They started with a short outline of their lives. Dotter explained that he was always a delay in social clues and norms. He talked about one of the founders of the Pixar, and a step animation was taken by Edwin Catmaru and Fred Park with animation of computer animation. As he talked about his story and explained his animation and the history of Pixar, he spoke in an unofficial and friendly way. His unofficeness made him easy and lightly flowing his presentation. Docter emphasizes the bones of the bones of supervising Monsters Inc. This includes all steps to major movies from simple concepts.
Jonas Libera started a presentation section when Dotter ended. He started with Pixar history. This started as an office/production intern 20 years ago. Libera found his passion, and was able to move the Pixar’s ladder quickly. After that, Libera talked about the producer’s process, the funding for the success of the movie, the people, and the event. He said that the producer is doing a lot in the creative macro aspect, despite the fact that the director has creative features in the movie. Libera spoke in a personal and unofficial tone that makes you feel comfortable and relaxed.
After they talked about the process of film production, they turned their attention to the flip. Dotter explained that his inspiration for the movie came from his 11 -year -old daughter. “She was an easy child and was full of joy,” says Dotter. “Now she is becoming” self -awareness “and” old “. The image on the screen displays a small body that is rounded to the chair and returns to the camera. “This made me think about what’s going on in her head,” said Dotter. This charm and mystery led him to create the concept of his movie. This focuses on the emotional group in the head of a 11 -year -old girl. They collect information about emotions from consultations with many psychoanalysis and behavioral therapists, and get angry (Lewis Black), disgust (Mindy Cinging), Joy (Amy Polar), sad (Philis Smith) ), I settled on fear (Bill Hayder). 。 These emotions have controlled the aspect of the headquarters. These emotions affect the memories that satisfy her brain and the important memories of her personality.
They showed the first 7 -minute clip of the movie. Inside OUT’s intro is full of the theme following the general pixar’s beginning sequence, but the story has flowed seamlessly and shifts so that it can be easily understood. The clip depicted the girl growing slowly, gaining emotionally gaining memories, forming a constant battle between her personality and emotions, and keeping it safe and happy. These ideas have created associative laughter and calm happiness, as complex ideas are equated the same as individual journey of personal emotional evolution. The fun and light humor of the movie is obvious and stupid for young viewers, but the real situation and subtle adult humorous undertone can make this movie fun for a wide range of spectators.
The event is over and the Q & A segment has begun. Dotter and Libera answered the questions after the assigned time. The comfort and non -personality they started allowed their hands to get up in the air freely. Their openness on the “Dorkier” side and the “one step behind” social clue sets a more comfortable question for both personal and specialists. The young man in the back asked duo about gender, sexuality and race’s theme in the movie. He explained his thoughts and said that he was mainly interested in understanding and description of issues related to gay, transgender, and intersex issues. Docter and Rivera explained that there is no agenda when a problem occurs. They focused mainly on what they understood and how they fit into the world they lived. “I wanted to understand what’s going on in her head.” Dotter believes that he is true because he understands what he wants to do. I concluded that it was not just to impose it, but to create it.
Inside OUT will be released on June 19th.