Last year, George RR Martin spilled a complete fire and blood at the dragon’s house. He wrote a stunning and enthusiastic post to lay out many problems in the show. But whatever the problem he has in HBO, they seem to be limited to dragons only. He is satisfied with the knight of SEVEN KINGDOMS, the next Game of Thrones Spinoff series of the network. After seeing the first season of the recently completed, he took him to his blog with very different types of posts. Martin says he couldn’t be happy by taking away his beloved boys.

George RR Martin says that the first season of the six episodes of the Knight of Seven is over. More importantly, he loved him what he saw. In a blog post titled “Dunk, Egg, several random tweets,” he praised the creator of the show and casted the first dunk and egg novel Hedge Night. He also explained why Duo was so important to him. He said, as they introduced a completely new reader in his fantasy world, it was important to grow the songs of this ice and fire series into popularity.
But the biggest news for readers is what he said about how the show treats his story. If you love faithful adaptation, praise the old and new gods. Martin says that the seven knights say, “It’s so faithful that rational humans can be expected (and you are all incorrectly (originally literary)) I know.
Good line, George. Good line.

Martin is not completely certain when our remaining people have the opportunity to see this faithful adaptation. He said he would arrive at the HBO in the second half of this year, saying he wanted autumn.
Martin finished this for both the spin -off series and him, what will happen next
In the meantime, we move to the second story of dunk and egg, “Oath”. And after the winter wind, you need to jump on the “village hero” and all other stories waiting for youth. Don’t worry, I’m convinced that your people will remember me.
you know what? We are very satisfied with this update, so for a while, we will enjoy it by finishing the winter breeze. And until he does it, read the hedge night to prepare the show.