She is one of the pillars of DC Universe, so why does so many writers seem to be struggling to correct the Wonder Woman? One of the most praised writers in Diana was a virus for the frank infrastructure of the biggest hurdle involved by Wonder Woman.
There is no doubt, even if Wonder Woman is not the most multiple female superheroes in comics. In the century she was approaching, hundreds of writers cracked to write powerful Amazon, but many felt that she really understood her. Currently, quotes are progressing online, explaining why creators struggle with symbolic heroes.
Creators avoid Wonder Woman’s politics and history
Greg Rakka believes that the writer needs to accept everything in Wonder Woman’s tradition
Recently, Greg Rakka’s quotes began to be distributed on social media sites such as Reddit, in the “regeneration” era of DC comics in the infamous Wonder Woman: Hiketea, the mid -2000s, and subsequent DC comics. This quote comes from the 2010 WonderCon panel and focuses on his work on books such as Rucka, Detective Comics and Wonder Woman. This panel was moderated by Laura Hudson of ComicSalliance. He was like writing a female character in RUCKA’s comic experience and as a male creator.
Eventually, Hudson asked Rucka what was the key to writing Wonder Woman well. Rakka is frankly, unlike Batman and Superman, whose origin is quite transcended, the origin of Wonder Women is rooted in the era of feminism, and its evolution is complicated in the same way as the times. I said it would be. Rakka claims that many writers are far from the political and twisting aspects of her early days, and all of them are neglected together.
But Rakka has revealed that they are part of her and cannot simply escape from these elements of Wonder Woman. Rucks, not her costumes and her Rasso (pointing out that Rucka pointed out that it is a substitute for a whip), RUCK is faithful to Wonder Woman’s personality. He said he had to accept it at all. It was the best key to writing Diana well. Rakka ends the answer, saying that many male writers do not actually like Wonder Woman, saying, “They just want to F ** K.”
Being able to move away from Wonder Woman’s history is a real wound for her
Ignoring the Wonder Woman Foundation misses important points
Greg Rakka clearly knows the inside and outside of Wonder Woman, and his time with the character is one of the most loved ones for the character. And he mentions many remarkable points about Diana’s origin, uniqueness of her origin, and even more complicated and sensual subjects. The truth was that Wonder Woman was co -created by William Mallton Marston, and at the time he was a feminist with embarrassment, who did not believe only the equality of women, and believed in women’s superiority. Maston created a Wonder Woman as a propaganda to express his ideals by his own admission.
The early Wonder Woman story did not look positive about the ideals of women’s rule, but also include the theme of binding, discipline, and power dynamics. However, as Wonder Woman was holding his hand, these elements were immediately refused and completely deleted. Certainly, the writer later maintained something like Wonder Woman’s obedience bracelet and her Rasso, but the obvious BDSM quickly fell into a history. In fact, some writers went in a completely different direction from Wonder Woman, such as Dennis O’Neill, who gave her a new costume, deprived her, and made her a secret agent.
The early Wonder Woman is not for everyone, but Rakka feels that she is disadvantageous to completely ignore Diana’s past. It doesn’t mean that Wonder Woman’s comic must be exactly the same as the Maston, but you should play with the elements of her character. Although she is a kicker with her ass as her, Wonder Woman is not just a fight against monsters and crazy gods. She is about women’s power and affection authority, which may even make the top of some writers and DC tensions, but accept these things that help creators capture the Wonder Woman spirit. I am.
Creators need to build who the Wonder Woman is.
Diana is an icon, not just a beautiful face that makes a bad guy.
For fairness, Wonder Woman has grown and changed for many years, as well as the remaining part of the oldest heroes of DC. That’s a good thing. But unlike Batman and Superman, the writer will not think that it would be easy to write a Wonder Woman if they only know her most surface levels. Diana has a rich, complex, yes, and non -traditional history. But, as Rucka said, it runs on these things, which helps the creator who is Diana and ultimately bring a better Wonder Woman story to the world.
Source: Reddit, ComicSalliance