The Cold War Nuclear Missile has been working for a total of 94 years thanks to the US Navy Agreement of the US Navy, and Lockheed Martin has modernized the trident II missile with submarines and dies until 2084.
The TRIDENT II missile, which launched the service at the end of the 1990 Cold War, was developed as one of the three -part U.S. nuclear deterrence and the entire UK nuclear deterrent. A three -stage solid fuel missile with a maximum range of 7,500 miles (12,000 km) is carried by four U.S. Navy Ohio -class and the British Navy’s four vanguard -class submarines. Each Ohio class has a maximum of 24 missiles and a pioneer in each class, and each missile is equipped with multiple independent and targeted nuclear warheads.
Ohio submarines will be replaced by 12 new Colombia Class and Vanguard in the UK. By the two countries under the many years of technology sharing agreements.
新しい契約の下で、ロッキード・マーティンは、Trident II Strategic Weapons System(SWS)D5ミサイルを近代化して、アップグレードされたTrident II D5 Life Extension 2(D5LE2)潜水艦発射弾道ミサイルを作成します。 Through maintenance, and new submarines are online.
Although accurate changes have not been released, it includes improvement of various systems, including navigation and control units. In addition, Trident II D5LE2 is equipped with a new US W93/MK7 nuclear warhead and re -enter body Senburi and a new UK Astraia warhead. In addition, you can carry a new postponement missile for American submarines.
Trident double launch
Trident II D5LE2 is scheduled to enter the service in 2040, and will be replaced by 2049 to all old tridents. When Trident II D5LE2 retires in 2084, the Trident II class offers services for almost a century.
It may seem strange that such technologies should continue to be used for a long time when thinking about technologies moving forward at the pace of lightning, but the pace is a lot of fantasy. Our attention is often the most novel and sensational example of progress, so we are thinking that innovation will come at a fierce speed.
However, looking at the entire technology, it is a case where various areas are shot first and decelerated and integrated when reaching the plateau.
A dramatic example of this is how the aircraft evolved in the first half of the previous century. They went a little from a metal ultrasonic fighter and a huge jet propeller passenger aircraft that could reach the earth in a few hours within 50 years, with only hundreds of yards. 。 Since then, there have been many surprising innovations, but there are few of these early dramatic and fundamental changes.

US Navy
You can see the same on computers. It wasn’t long before I saw all kinds of amazing, such as the Internet and Wi-Fi, every few years. Today, the desktop computer is working with a thin and keyboard and is as interesting as a dehumidifier.
It is with Trident II. It was the end of a series of advances in submarine missile technology that new Polaris Missile was being developed every few months in the 1960s. It is a fatal and accurate deterrent against attacks. Except for some new progress in anti -missile defense and anti -submarine warfare, there is no need to correct something broken.
“With the extension of the second life expectancy of the Trident D5 missile, it can maintain the reliability of the United States and the United Kingdom’s evolution through Polaris sales contracts,” said Lockheed Martin’s Vice President, Vice President of Ballery Missile.・ Marol said. “We are proud to continue the important partnership with the US Navy and deter this new era.”
Source: Lockheed Martin