Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Muhammad Bin Salman is interested in investing in Saudi and trade with the United States in the next four years, or more expanded in the next four years. Reported.
On Wednesday, the Crown Prince shared his interest in investment with US President Donald Trump.
Bin Salman said that Saudi was hoping for further partnerships and investment opportunities under the new US administration and hoping for reforms that could achieve “unprecedented economic prosperity”. 。
However, the report added that no more details about telephone talks have been revealed.
Prince Saudi and the US President had a good relationship during the first term since President Trump’s first resident. The two leaders said about the need for Saudi Arabia and the United States’s cooperation in fighting terrorism, bringing peace and stability in the Middle East.
The conversation between the US President and the Crown Prince took place during the unstable period in the Middle East. Saudi’s hostile country Iran has been weakened by the defeat of Hamas and Hizvola through Israel. Syria’s President Basal Al Assad, the main alliance, was overthrown and forced to exile. Earlier this week, the ceasefire came into effect in the Gaza area on Sunday, January 19, and the war between Israel and Hamas temporarily stopped.
The call of the Crown Prince is expected to make Saudi visiting US President Donald Trump’s visit to Saudi.
In 2017, Trump went to Saudi Arabia for the first time as a president. According to the report, President Trump earlier said that Saudi Arabia would re -visit if he wanted to buy another $ 450 billion or $ 50 billion worth of US products. Saudi Arabia’s $ 600 billion investment is certainly better than Trump’s goal of $ 450 to $ 500 billion, so the U.S. President can visit.