From the rise of the far right to geopolitical tensions and societal pressures, the future of the European Union’s once ambitious climate goals is uncertain.
For many years, the European Union (EU) has been at the forefront of fighting climate change. The 27-nation bloc has long served as a hub for global environmentalism and green policy. However, in recent years, climate and sustainability goals seem to have taken a backseat and are no longer a priority for the European Commission.
The European Green Deal (EDG), adopted in 2020, was the centerpiece of the European Commission’s sustainability policy. The agreement covers several policy areas, from mobility to agriculture and the energy industry, with the aim of transforming the bloc’s economy towards a sustainable future. The EU has set ambitious goals, most notably becoming the first climate-neutral continent by 2050, and an interim goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 55% by 2030. It is being raised.
At the time of its adoption, the agreement included support from the center-right majority party, the European People’s Party (EPP), the center-left second majority party, the Socialist Democratic Party (S&D), the centrist coalition Renew, and centrist parties. and gained wide support. the Green Party/EFA, a progressive left-wing coalition;
However, over the past two years, the initial consensus has gradually eroded, with parties shifting their attention to other policies or wishing to significantly restructure and restructure the limits imposed by the EDGs. Masu. There are two main reasons why this change occurred.
First, since the first implementation of the EDGs, the continent’s broader geopolitics has changed significantly, exposing the vulnerabilities of Europe’s energy infrastructure and highlighting the need for a diverse and resilient energy mix. . Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in 2022 shook the balance of Europe’s transition period. Much of the continent’s energy supply comes from Russian natural gas reservoirs, and the war caused energy prices to soar. On the one hand, conflicts have facilitated and accelerated green transitions as countries reduce their dependence on fossil fuels. On the other hand, in Europe, where defense and security are prioritized and there is an increasingly “hard power” attitude, investments in sustainability are likely to become less important, both fiscally and politically.
Second, the 2024 European Parliament elections saw a historic surge in support for right-wing and far-right parties, which generally oppose climate action. The new right-wing parliamentary majority was won by a coalition of the EPP, the European Conservatives and Reformists, and the European Patriots (formerly the Identity and Democracy group). While not completely denying climate change, the Coalition government has repeatedly promoted competitiveness and deregulation, and argued that the green transition would come at an economic cost.
The European Right also perceives the Green Deal and the “Fit for 55” legislative package as elitist and authoritarian, and the current backlash against green policies by certain sectors of the population that perceive them as not ( (also known as the “green rush”) is very welcome. Considering the economic impact of the green transition. The right echoes these sentiments in the legislative arena.
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are reportedly at the heart of European Commission President von der Leyen’s policy program, but her party has recently called for a halt to European climate legislation.
The European Commission’s Climate Directorate (DG CLIMA) argued that the European Green Deal has moved from an environmental protection agenda to an industrial and competitiveness agenda. This trend has already begun in 2022, with the Biden administration’s enactment of the Inflation Control Act (IRA), and the committee presented the Green Deal Industrial Plan and the Net Zero Industrial Act to maintain competitiveness.
The first sign of prioritizing industrial competitiveness over green goals is seen in the approval of the controversial EU-Mercosur trade deal, which has been criticized by climate change activists because of its serious and harmful environmental impacts. has been opposed for over 20 years by The deal is expected to accelerate deforestation by up to 25% due to increased demand for agricultural products such as soybeans and sugar, especially in the already sensitive Amazon region.
The agreement supports industries that already contribute significantly to the climate crisis, including illegal logging, pesticides, the meat industry and transportation, and more than 450 civil society organizations have lobbied to end the agreement. This is seen as a major setback. .
The EU’s general environmental setbacks are visible across a range of policy areas. In particular, the European Commission has taken steps to weaken environmental standards within the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), which are critical to achieving the Green Deal’s sustainable agricultural development goals.
The European Commission has rolled back some green programs by granting partial exemptions and concessions to European farmers, following widespread farmer protests in France, Spain, Poland, Italy and Belgium. Ta. For example, in February 2024, it withdrew its proposal on the sustainable use of pesticides.
The EU recently postponed implementation of its landmark Deforestation Regulation (EUDR), which aims to ban the import of goods linked to deforestation. Originally scheduled to take effect on December 30, 2024, the new schedule pushes the effective date to December 30, 2025 for large companies and June 30, 2026 for small and medium-sized businesses. The decision to postpone implementation was influenced by significant lobbying from a variety of stakeholders, including companies concerned about compliance challenges and exporting countries such as Brazil. The European Commission proposed a postponement in response to these pressures to give companies additional time to prepare for the requirements.
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There are questions about whether the EU will be able to successfully reconcile its ambitious sustainability goals with the priorities of a new agenda, now focused on competitiveness and security. The EU’s policy response to the climate crisis appears to be too slow to be effective, as scientists warn that the effects of climate change could soon become irreversible.
Fortunately, implementing EGD is not hopeless. Strong allies are gained through strong support from the people. Indeed, the cause of climate change remains important to the majority of EU voters, with polls showing that more than half of European voters, around 52%, believe that fighting climate change is a priority for the EU to address. I still believe there is.
However, this public support is not unconditional. Europeans want to take action on the climate crisis, but some, such as farmers and small business owners, do not want to bear the costs of the transition themselves. Such questions are generally considered fair and covered by EDG’s own mission of a “just and socially just transition” that leaves no one behind. For example, initiatives such as the Just Transition Fund aim to reduce the economic impact on these groups. Strengthening these measures through transparent implementation and active public engagement is critical to maintaining public trust and participation.
In addition to public support, the EU should demonstrate its ability to lead by example. From expanding renewable energy capacity to financing effective green technologies, EGD stays true to its original goal of making the bloc represent a global benchmark for sustainable development and climate change leadership. can encourage other countries to follow suit in the transition to greener and more just societies. future.
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