Everyone needs a good pair of sneakers (or six pairs if you’re into shoes like me). In 2025, the options seem endless. True sneakerheads have formed entire communities of their own, but brands are beginning to embrace the consumer power of sneakers as both brand tools and aesthetic accents. Expect cool sneakers from brands like Nike, Adidas, and Reebok. But now, brands like Loewe, Miu Miu, and Dries Van Noten are setting the tone for casual (and definitely chic) footwear.
But before we get into next year’s best sneaker trends of 2025, it’s important to note that one of the biggest trends in footwear and accessories is personalization, no matter what silhouette, color, material, or style you choose. That is important. Whether you mix and match laces, add charms, or embellish with rhinestones or lace, individual style is key this year.
But regardless of your own sartorial preferences, these trends are sure to be big in 2025, from the runway to brunch to the bodega. Shop the sneaker styles you’re looking for below.
flat & narrow
As is often the case with major trends, Miu Miu can be credited with the return of ultra-slim sneakers that hug the foot. With a silhouette that’s neither cleat nor ballerina shoe, the sneaker’s skinny aesthetic may seem retro, but it’s ultimately the future of footwear, at least for this year. With that in mind, don’t ditch your chunky sneakers just yet. And don’t be surprised if your increasingly smaller-looking legs start peeking out from under the hems of your barrel jeans or oversized cargo.
unexpected color
Bright, unapologetic color play is one of my favorite aspects of the sneaker industry, and 2025 is the year of experimentation. Combine acid colors and pastels, complementary colors from the color wheel, or different shades of the same color in one sneaker. Wearing your favorite color palette with sneakers almost always brightens your day and elevates your outfit.
retro red
If there’s one color that stands the test of time, it’s red. This is especially true when it comes to sneakers. Incorporating a pop of red, especially in a retro sneaker silhouette like a sweatshirt, is often the answer to a boring outfit.
running trainer
Of course, I have sneakers for training, but since they are fashion sneakers, I must also have sneakers for training. A perfectly effortless yet purposeful fashion trainer style can make your outfit casual and comfortable without compromising your street style credentials.
mary janes
Mary Janes made a huge comeback in 2024, and the sneaker industry is no exception. Shoes for girly girls with a quirky style and flair, yet with an edge. Paired with knee-high or ankle socks and a fun mini dress, Mary Jane sneakers are perfectly practical, yet super cute.
slide on
2025 will be all about efficiency. I mean, you don’t have time to lace up your sneakers before you run out of shoes, so why should you? Slide-on sneakers are an easy way to make a fashion statement and show off how cool you are at the same time. You can show the world how relaxed you are.
Let’s learn technical things
Hiking shoes have always been appealing to some people. And now the fashion world is embracing this category with open arms. Of course, it should have an element of style, so don’t make it too granola. But Gorpcore fans and street style stars have found a chic way to incorporate the technical look by pairing it with ruffled ankle socks and voluminous skirts. And pastel colors.
animal print
Now you’ve probably seen them everywhere, from bags to coats to socks. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Animal print isn’t going away anytime soon. Whether you’re on Team Leopard or Team Reptile, you have options when it comes to footwear, especially when it comes to sneakers. Wales Bonner’s latest collaboration with Adidas is just one of the many variations of sneakers with animal prints and exotic effects we’ll see in 2025.
suede takeover
Suede sneakers are certainly not new, but with suede making a comeback in handbags, totes, jackets, and more, it makes sense to extend the trend to sneakers as well. Brown and tan suede seems to be the color of choice, but this material can seamlessly extend beyond neutrals and add a chic finishing touch to almost any outfit.
high top
High-top sneakers were featured on the Spring/Summer 2025 runways and will be a big trend this year. Loewe, Chloé, and Stella McCartney all showcased sporty-casual styles in their latest collections, but there’s no denying that the sneakers below add an extra layer of cool.
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