According to the authorities, one was injured at the Benjamin Franklin High School in Highland Park on Wednesday morning, and one was injured and another student was taken to police detention.
A stab wound case involved in two students occurred in front of the school at 8:30 am. This is located on the 820 N. Avenue 54 north of the 110 highway. The era.
“Our school was locked down, but no other students or staff influenced by this case. Our campus has now been safe,” he said. I read it.
“LAPD and Los Angeles School Police Station are investigating the case in accordance with district policy. The suspect was detained by the law execution agency.”
The school police spokesman confirmed that the suspect was a student and said that the victim was treated on site and was stable.
A staff member of the Los Angeles Fire Bureau said that someone was stabbed at school before 9 am and reported that no one carried it on an ambulance.