BBC News, Johannesburg

The already difficult diplomatic relations between South Africa and Rwanda worsened after President Syrill Lamafosa accused Rwanda, which was supported by Rwanda, who killed the South African peace maintenance army in the Eastern Congo Eastern Congo.
As the anti -government forces capture most of the largest sesame sesame in the eastern part, as the dominance on the battlefield, South Africa fires diplomatic salvation, and further attacks on the army are regarded as “declaration of war”. I warned.
Rwanda’s President Paul Kagago has accused South Africa that South Africa is a part of the “strong power” that was involved in the “aggressive battle strategy”, and the Congo government would “fight against their people.”
A total of 13 South African soldiers were killed in combat because the rebel forces moved to the lightning, a major trade hub, a major trade hub at the border with Rwanda.
Last year, seven more South Africans died in the eastern part of the Congo, and recently became one of the most fatal combat tragedy in Japan.
South Africa and Rwanda had long had a difficult relationship.
In 2014, South Africa expelled three Rwanda diplomats after attacking Rwanda’s opposition houses expelled in Johannesburg.
The Kagame government responded by expelling six South Africa envoys.
Last year, after Ramafosa visited Rwanda, it seems that tension was alleviated to commemorate the 30th anniversary of Genocide, where about 800,000 died.

However, as part of the peacekeeping unit in the area sent by South Africa’s Peace Maintenance Unit (SADC), they again burned up after the death of South Africans deployed by Dr. Eastern Congo in December 2023.
South African soldiers have repelled armed groups such as M23 and have a majority of units that had a mission to bring peace in areas with mineral under decades.
The latest diplomatic fallout began with posts shared on Ramaphosa’s X page.
In that case, the president confirmed that he had talked to the turtles about the dispute he escalated, and both leaders agreed to “resumed peace negotiations by all stakeholders in the urgent need for ceasefire and the dispute.” I confirmed that.
Ramafosa also stated in a later statement that the South African army in Dr. Congo was not “declaration of war against any country or nation.”
However, South Africa’s Minister of Defense, Angie Motoggga, is a little different from reporters and tells reporters as follows. “There was no hostility between us. We intend to capture it as a declaration of war to fire.”
However, Ramafosa advanced further in X, and the Peace Maintenance Army was killed by an M23 attack, and he refers to the “Rwanda Defense Force (RDF) militia.”
It offended the turtle, saying that a statement made by South Africa officials, including Ramafosa, contained lies and distortion.
“The Rwanda Defense Force is the army, not the milities,” said Kagago.
“President Ramafosa has never given any kind of” warning “unless I can be delivered in his local language that I do not understand. He sought support for South African army to secure enough power, food and water. Please help you communicate.
“President Ramafosa has confirmed that the M23 has not killed a soldier from South Africa,” said Kagago.
He is a “warful power” that works side by side with Rwanda’s “Armed Group of the Great College”, which is a “armed group of massacre”, which is a “armed group of massacre”, which, including the troops from Tanzania and Malawi. No. “
KAGAME concludes his long statement, saying that South Africa is “not in a position to take the role of Peace Director or mediator,” and if the country wants a conflict, Rwanda will always deal with problems in the context. “
KAGAME’s comment clearly suggests that Dr. Congo, Dr. Congo, dates dating in the late 1990s to retreat in South Africa.
In 1994, he first participated in Monusco, the United Nations Peace Maintenance Mission, following the end of the apartheid racism system.
At that time, the South African army was considered a “very effective apartheit war time”, reducing funds and “lack of political direction”, Thomas Mandrap, Ana’s “lack of political direction. It was regarded as the “flat power” left to work on. An associate professor at Stellenbos University in the country told the BBC.

South Africa states that the involvement of Dr. Congo has led to the need to “contribute to stability” by members of SADC, but Dean Winglin, Defense Analyst, has the national economic interest. He stated that it influenced the decision.
“DRC is a very large trading partner in the United States, because the eastern DRC is very rich in minerals. We import many minerals.
Monasco’s mission was mainly about maintaining peace, but in the area, the escalate of tension in the area was “actively involved” with many armed groups in the eastern part of Congo.
The intervention was the first success to repel the most prominent rebellion group, M23.
According to Wingrin, this was due to the deployment of rooivalk -roivalk -roivalk -roivalk, the deployment of ROOIVERK -ROOIVALK, a South African attacker aircraft.
Later, the anti -government group was effectively melted, and was later expelled by Dr. Eastern Congo -I saw that recent comebacks were capturing most of the region.
However, the South African army was not in a position to stop the rebellion group’s move due to the loss of air force.
“Unfortunately, the budget in South Africa has been declining for many years. The Air Force could not afford to maintain a rouvaric,” said Winglin.
“It’s very convenient a few days ago, but I’m overlooking an important air cover that is too late,” he said.
Mandrap expressed a similar view, and South Africa deployed a unit in 2023 and said, “Faced to the enemies that are far more equipped in the shambles, who do not have the necessary abilities, are in the shambles in 2013. He said he was ignoring the warning. 。
He added that it was difficult for South Africa to regain the army at this point because the troops were trapped and caught in two bases.
“They can’t go out and reinforce the air cover (or). They can’t even get injured,” he said.
Ramafosa seemed to have agreed in a recent statement that the situation in the area was “nervous, unstable and unpredictable.”
Nevertheless, Samidolk has been deployed by 16 regional blocks, and the decision to separate the South African Army from Dr. Congo is ultimately SADC.
It has been reported that SADC will make this decision at the Summit on Friday.
For Winglin, the South African government had to do a “serious intraviteration” for military involvement in Dr. Congo.
“It’s what they want to push at any sacrifice, and for South Africa, what do you die from your son and daughter?”
Therefore, the South African president seems to have a difficult choice. Dr. Congo maintains soldiers, puts further deaths in danger, and is probably in danger of pulling them out after negotiating a safe passage with Rwanda.
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