Jay pool: After attacking Israel from India on October 7, 2023, Hamas had no sympathy, but after exposing the loss of civilians in Gaza, the emotions of the people changed. The proposition that October 7 was October 7 changed. Perhaps the result of what happened in Gaza for many years was proposed in a considerable conviction, and former Indian diplomat Navteji Sarna stated at the Jaipur Literature Festival (JLF) on Friday.
In a panel discussion called “The World After Gaza”, Sarna, an essayist and novelist Pankaj Mishra, discusses the evolving relationship with Terubib, Sarna, the United States and Israel. 。
Michula, who was also in JLF, talked about the moral meaning of global non -cropping in Gaza. The British Palestinian writer and lawyer Selma Dabug represented Palestine’s voice in the panel.
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“India is now a strong diplomatic and strategic relationship with Israel. In recent years, India and Israel have a very close connection to the government, and Israel is definitely India’s largest defense today. Sarna is one of the suppliers of the device. “
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In India, he added that it is mainly cautious to balance the United Nations and a statement to balance between Palestine’s cause. But he said, “It’s inevitable that you can’t maintain this balance.”
Divided India has historically not agreed with the Palestinian split (Jews and Arab sector), but in the reality, after two -year discussions, Israel in 1950. Salna said. For the next 42 years, India has added diplomatic relations with Israel and has restricted his relationship with unofficial contacts.
However, Saruna pointed out that Israel had emerged as an important Indian military partner in the 1965 and 1971 war.
“In 1992, India has established diplomatic relations with Israel, given that the world is changing at the end of the Cold War and the collapse of the Soviet Union, and that the relationship between India and the United States is moving forward. And the two countries are getting closer, “he added.
In the Gaza conflict, Palestinians commented on India’s suppressed India’s Light -shaped reactions, and compared to other “Global South”, Saruna initially suffered the same fear in India in Mumbai. He said he saw the 7th. 2008. He later said that India began to “nuances”, but was not critical of Israel as the remaining part of the “global South”.
Sarna explained as follows, giving an overall context: “Global South is a very irregular substance, and each country has a personal or personal relationship (with others). India is Israel, the United States and the United States. The relationship with the Arab partner is different.
Michula recalls the past support of Palestinians in Indian politicians and popular culture, and has a moral solidarity with Palestinians, maintained by (the first prime minister) Java Harlal Nelu, and the world’s moral in India. He said he gave guidance. , It is wasted. “Today, India is one step away,” he asserted.
He commented on Israel’s actions in Gaza and added: The emotions of the people around the world are overwhelming disgust. India seems to have lost the opportunity to reconnect himself as a moral forces of international politics. “
DABBAGH said that the destruction of Gaza was comprehensive, multi -layered and powerful. “It is impossible to have international journalists, and it is as strong as ever.”
“News coming out of the official channel -it is often distorted. It is biased. It uses passive languages. It refuses to named Israel as the perpetrator.” 。
According to Palestine’s health authorities, the Israeli ground and air campaigns in Gaza mainly killed civilians and more civilian. However, it is estimated that the toll will be 41 % higher.
Israel says that Hamas’s militants killed more than 1,200 people, mainly killing civilians, and captured 253 in Gaza in October 2023.
Also read: India should be explicit to support Israel, and look at the side of Tel Avib, says Israel.
“Loss of trust in legacy institutions”
The panel sponsored by Lindsey Hilsum, an international editor of Channel 4 News, has also discussed the power outage of the media in Israel and Palestine.
“It’s difficult to know what is happening in Gaza,” Hillsum first said. In the audience, the external journalists are not allowed in the conflict zone, and “I remember that 159 Gazan Journalists were killed in comparison with 69 journalists killed during World War II. In the Vietnam War.
Michula talked about “catastrophic loss of faith and trust in established heritage institutions.”
“I think many people have come as a very rude reminder that many of these institutions have misled various political and economic problems for a long time,” he said. 。
“And for many people, this reaction is very inadequate for social media and various alternative media organizations. So this is the result of the solution we want. I know that. “
From the crisis of the Congo to the acquisition of Afghanistan, it cannot be compared with Gaza. Attachments to various degrees. The accomplice, the people who work with us, have expressed their support for it, whether it is a journalist, a voting person, or a politician. “
Salna advocates a solution to adjust the requests on the two aspects in Gaza’s conflict, saying, “I can’t ask people to leave the house. Remember that this is a Palestinian house.”
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