The fusion reaction moves the sun and other stars. In fusion, two light nuclei fusion and form a single heavy nucleus. The process releases energy because the total amount of single nuclei obtained is less than the two original nuclei mass. The remaining mass becomes energy. Einstein’s equation (E = Mc2) states that some of the masses and energy can be converted to each other, explaining why this process occurs. If scientists develop a method of using energy from fusion on earth machines to energy, it can be an important energy production method.
Fusion contains a lot of different factors in the periodic table. However, researchers working on fusion energy applications are particularly interested in integration of heavy hydrogen -tritium (DT). DT fusion generates neutrons and helium nuclei. In the process, it emits much more energy than most fusion. At potential fusion plants such as Tokamak and Stellalterer, neutrons from DT reactions generate outputs for our use. Researchers are focusing on DT reactions because they generate a large amount of energy and generate at a lower temperature than other factors.
DOE Science Contribution Bureau to Fusion Research
The Fusion Energy Sciences (FES) program, the Energy Science and Science Bureau, aims to develop practical fusion energy sources. To that end, FES is affiliated with other scientific program offices. In cooperation with advanced scientific computing research programs, they use scientific computing to promote fusion science and move on nuclear physics programs on nuclear reaction databases, nuclear -like positions, and research on nuclearization. Masu. FES is also in partnership with the DOE National Nuclear Security Bureau to pursue basic research on fusion that supports DOE’s nuclear storage steward ship mission.
Fusion reaction fact
Iter International Fusion Energy Extermix is the first attempt for scientists to create independent fusion for a long time. ITER’s “combustion plasma” is heated by the fusion reaction generated by the plasma itself. In a fusion experiment at DOE’s National Institute of Institute at the Lawrence Ribamoa National Research Institute, it is necessary to match the 192 laser beam to a DT target, which is smaller than the peas. This is like throwing a perfect strike in baseball from a pitcher mound 350 miles from the plate.
Resources and related terms
Matthew Rank Tott (US Science Bureau)
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