From Captain America: From Brave New World to Bridget Jones: Mad a Boy, streaming at the movie theater this month.

It will be Red Zeppelin
There are many movies in the Beatles, but becoming LED Zeppelin is the first approved documentary on the band that took over the mantle, one of the world’s largest and most influential rock groups. This movie, a career of FourSome’s PRE-Zep and their early childhood, is a cheerful interview with three surviving members, singer Robert Plant, guitarist Jimmy Page, and bassist John Paul Jones. It is built from. The viewpoint of the late drummer. In this “attractive” movie, Jonathan Romney says “it’s a distinctive personal confidence.” “There is an abduction of anecdotes on the page, and there is a busy history as a Jones session player. Jones appears as a familiar Lacontrio with an anecdote.” James Bond’s trivia alert : As a Job Musician, Charlie Bassie recorded Gold Finger’s theme song, both Page and Jones were in Abbey Road Studios.
Released in the United Kingdom and Irish on February 5 in the United States, Canada, Australia, Spain and Sweden on February 7.

ARMAND is a provocative and strange comic komic norwegian drama written and directed by Halfdan Ullmannntøndel, the grandchild of the two films of Scandinavia, and Halfdan Ullmanntøndel, the grandson of Liv Ulmann. Renate Rains, the worst star in the world, plays a famous actress summoned to his six -year -old son after being accused of sexual assault. Heyuguys’s Jo-Ann Titmarsh is guided to a school with a senior school teacher and a victim’s parents, and has been exposed to one of the most miserable PT meetings so far. Then, when a secret connection and a shaded agenda appeared, “There are many violence lurking under the surface of this middle class story.” Armand, the winner of the Best First feature film award at the Cannes Film Festival last year, is “troublesome, interesting, sometimes involved.”
It was released in the United States on February 7, in Spain on February 21, and in Turkey on February 28.

I’m still here
I am still here, but it is one of the outstanding success of this year’s prize season, nominated for Best Picture, Best International Feature, and Best actress Oscar. Brazilian political thrillers directed by Walter Sales (Chuo Station, motorcycle diary) talk about the true story of Rubens, Eunis Piva and their children. In 1971, they lived happily on the beach of Rio de Janeiro, but former Representative Congressman Rubens (Celton Melo) is a campaign in opposition to military dictatorship. When he was taken away from his house by a police officer, it depends on his wife (Fernanda Torres, nominated for Oscar )- Keep asking even when you seem to have lost. Sales, a friend of a long -standing family of Piebus, made a “deep and impressive” drama, Jessica Kian in variety.
It was released in the United States on February 14, on February 21 in the UK, Ireland, and Spain.

The day when the earth exploded: Rooney Tune’s Movie
Classic Rooney Tune characters have been introduced in some of the largest animation short films that have been created so far, but they were not a manga with a function length. The person who assembled Roger Rabbit. However, now, the stars of Duffy Duck and Pokkee Pig are 91 minutes animation, and the animation is 90 years after the character debuted. The idea is that Daffy and PORKY (both Eric Bauza called out) will get a job at the BubbleGum factory and clarify the aliens’s conspiracy to take over the world. “It’s not consistent and cheerful, but it’s consistently imaginable and sometimes breathtaking,” says William Bibiani. “Animation style has a favorable comparison between Max Flyshire and Donbus, and has a fluid and energetic expressive movement to drop the chin.
Released in France, Belgium and Luxembourg on February 12 and released in the United States and India on February 28.

THE MONKEY, inspired by Stephen King’s short story, starred as a twin brother with a cursed toy monkey with THEO JAMES. The film is written and directed by Osgood Parkins who made Longlgs last year, a long -giving horror hit, but he promises that his follow -up is completely different. The long legs were infused with a terrible fear and despair, but the monkeys enjoy the stupidness of the premise. “It’s an intentional comedy,” Parkins said with a Hollywood reporter. “I feel like an old John Randis movie, Joe Dante’s movie, and a movie of Robert Zemecith. I have a hard time about death and have the opportunity to make an absurd comedy … for me. The movie is a smile from top to bottom.
It was released internationally at the movie theater on February 21

Bridget Jones: I’m angry about the boy
24 years after Bridget Jones’s first movie, more than eight years have passed since the last movie, but Rene Zelweger returned to the fourth comedy again, based on Helen Fielding’s bestseller novel. This time, Bridget is a single mother who handles the death of her husband Mark Darcy (Colin Firth -Flashback). Leo Woodard (One Day) plays her very young love. Tutel Ejo Fall is a qualified teacher at her child’s school, and Hugh Grant has a cameo as her sneaky former boss, Daniel Clever. But will the audience still warmly blurry? Zellweger believes so. “Maybe people recognize themselves in her and think it’s related to her struggle and self -doubts,” she said in Vogue in the UK. “Bridget is genuine and not always correct it, but whatever her incomplete, she remains joy and optimistic, and she carries and wins in her own way. She makes me feel adorable.
It was released internationally on the movie theater on February 13, 13, and 14, and was released on February 13 in Peacock in the United States.

Love hurts
As a boy in the 1980s, KE Huy Quan played a major role in the two huge hits, Indiana Jones, Duom and Goony, but immediately exhausted. Tens of years later, he made an amazing comeback beyond everything anywhere and everywhere, and won the Oscar for the best support actors. Now he has his first leading role. Love Hurts is an action comedy where Quan plays a geek real estate agent with a secret past as a gangland executor. The mild humor and a nifty martial arts film mix seem to be ideal for him, but I didn’t know if he would play a role until he consulted an old friend. “I was participating in an event with Steven Spielberg, but he was asking me,” How are you? ” “I said,” Stephen, I’m not doing well. “I was worried about what I would do next for all the love and support gained throughout the award. , “KE, it’s great.”
It was released internationally at the movie theater on February 7th

Captain America: Brave New World
Because Chris Evans has not played Steve Rogers at Marvel Cinematic Universe, the problem is whether to pay the audience to see the red, white, and blue shield that the audience has obtained a character. is. More specifically, will the audience pay to see Sam Wilson of Anthony McKee, a former Marvel movie Captain America’s partner? Judging from the trailer and the poster, the studio executives seem to want another character to be a big draw in the movie. Filled for the late William Heart, Harrison Ford co -starred as a former Army General, a former US President, and a great enemy of Hulk. He wants to look forward to the new Captain America, but if Ross transforms into a red version of Hulk, their negotiations will be interrupted. “I liked this concept that he was trying to do his best, but he couldn’t completely overtake his past devils,” said Nate Moore, a film producer. I talked to. “If you turn the man who hunted Hulx yourself, he will be more than an hostile, which makes him a tragic personality.”
It was released internationally at the movie theater on February 14th

The Genre Massing Horror Romance Action Movie is directed by Scott Derrickson (Doctor Strange, Black Phone) and starring Anyate Lajoi and Miles Teller. As the writer Zack Dean dreams, the concept is that two elite snipers will be paid to spend one year at the separate concrete observation tower on both sides of the remote fog valley. 。 They do not have high -tech means to communicate with each other, but they chat with flash cards and binoculars and flirt. The only obstacle to this rapid growing relationship is that the valley is clearly the door to hell, and their job is to stop monsters from climbing from there. The valley is the release of Valentine’s Day, and the Terror believes that it is the best movie on this occasion, regardless of whether you feel like you. “Well, I just think it’s an excellent alternative programming for your typical love story,” he told the Screen Rand. “They meet each other for the first time and see you fall in love, but they have to experience a really interesting, attractive, high -octane, and high octane, spatula. Not good.
Released on Apple TV+on February 14th

Defeat them
The debut movie as a director of Christopher andrews can be the darkest and most brutal thriller of shepherds so far. At the center of it is two families with dysfunction with a field adjacent to the country in western Ireland. Colm Menny and Christopher Abbott play an tacit father and son who lives on one farm. Barry Keogan plays a reckless son of a rival couple (how to Nora Jane, Paul Lady). If a family suspects other families stealing two lambs, the subsequent feud can believe anything in a real kitchen sink drama, but there is a twist and tension of a gang movie. And it has been postponed to eat lamb forever. “There are few first films to address the tragedy of violence in the toxic masculinity and small town community, but this terribly convincing drama has a sloppy sincere,” Screens Tim Greasson. I say every day. “In the Vision of Andrews, the countryside in Ireland is as tough as the old western part.”
Released on February 7 in the United States, British and Ireland