Serbia is reportedly interfering with the Kosovo parliamentary election on February 9 through hybrid tactics, according to experts in the Round Table Conference on January 28.
There are quite a few Selvia minorities concentrated in the northern part of Kosovo, and in 2008 he unilaterally declared independence from Serbia. Despite the efforts to normalize the situation in the international community, the relationship between both sides is increasingly nervous.
Participants in the conference said that Serbian interference had a threat to Kosovo’s stability and called on international stakeholders to protect the integrity of the election on February 9.
Finnish Ambassador Kosovo, Matti Nissinen, contains fake information campaigns designed to create ethnic division and impair the trust of democratic systems in Serbia’s hybrid war against Kosovo. He said he emphasized the need to improve measures.
ARBEN FETOSHI, the director of the Octpus Institute, has claimed that Serbia has adopted a combination of political, economic and security intervention to unstable Kosovo’s democratic order.
He accused the Serbian list, a political entity representing Kosoboselve, as a secret tool for Begrad’s effects used to operate the Kosovo election process.
“Serbia has been consistent in pursuing Russia and China’s authoritarian models and extended agendas,” he said.
“Serbian’s hybrid war against Kosovo is working as a legally disguised mechanism of instability, and is trying to hinder democratic systems and international integration,” Fetoshi said.
He also guarantees that the Serbian government has mobilized financial and political resources, and the Serbian list has secured 10 guarantees of Serbian representatives in the Cosovo parliament and further enhanced. I insisted.
Recent cases, such as terrorism attacks at BANJSKA, emphasize these concerns. Fetoshi pointed out that the attack sponsored by the Serbian list of Listy, Milan Radogic, emphasizes the role of business as both political and unstable power.
Serbian journalist Radmeal Dimic describes Serbian President Alexander Vuich as a “fascist” and criticizes the Serbian list as a tool that is used to weaken democracy among Cosovo Selve. did.
Dimich argue that Serbian interference was extended beyond Kosovo, influenced Montenegro, Bosnia & Herzegovina, accusing the European Union.
“Serbian hybrid wars include incorrect information, election operations, and efforts to make the constitutional order in the region unstable,” Dimich encouraged Kosovians to stay away from Raddodic. I did it.
This event focused on foreign interference, national security and democracy in elections, with representatives of Western states, civil society activists, local experts, and journalists.