We recently published a list of 10 AI News Upets that investors should not miss. In this article, we will look at places where International Business Machines Corporation abbreviates other AI news updates that should not be overlooked.
“Deep Research” is the name of the AI tool Openai released yesterday. According to Genai Star Startup, you can conduct multi -step research on the Internet for complicated tasks. Deep Research is equipped with a version of OPENAI’s O3 model, optimized for Web browsing and data analysis, as reported by Reuters.
This kind of technology is called AI agent. AI agents can use other software on the Internet, run tasks, and learn from experience. As predicted by many analysts in the world of artificial intelligence and many analysts in the industry and industry experts, artificial intelligence agents seem to be all hype this year. Immediately, there may be a job that only AI agents can apply.
“We have observed specific progress. The industry surrounds the concept of AI” Agent “, which can perform tasks on behalf of you. At the workplace, agents can automatically select and distribute personalized email promotions designed to increase sales and increase sales.
Also read: The stock of these 29 AI electricity and infrastructure is crashed for DeepSeek News and 10 AI shares to see in DeepSeek.
Openai is that all users must do by Openai’s ChatBot Chatgpt, a prompt that can find, analyze, and synthesize some online sources, such as text, images, or PDFS. He stated that it would be possible to develop comprehensive reports at the survey level. Analyst.
“I will achieve that it takes hours in a few minutes.”
However, there is still a limit because it is still in the early stage.
“It may have a hard time distinguishing prestigious information from rumors. Currently, it shows the weakness of calibration of confidence and often not accurately convey uncertainty.”
Currently, the AI tools can be used on the web version of Chatgpt and will be deployed in mobile and desktop apps in February. This is the second AI agent released this year by Openai, and is a tool that can perform various tasks, such as the creation of the To DO list and the support of vacation plan following the operator.
In this article, I selected AI shares by performing news articles, stock analysis, and press releases. These stocks are also popular among hedge funds.
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The story will continue