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Defense contractor’s emerging company Anduril Industries It was announced last week The company plans to build an autonomous weapon system facility for about $ 1 billion in Pick Away County, Ohio.
According to Jobso Hio’s announcement in the state, the factory was located with a site area of 5 million square feet, creating 4,008 employment by 2035.。
Construction will be immediately started after state and local authorities have approved incentives, permissions, and other legal regulation. Production is scheduled to start in July 2026.
Dive in -site:
Anduril hopes that future facilities will be useful for prompt production of high -tech weapons to strengthen national security. Co -founder and CEO, CEO, said in a lecture. January 15 Factory announcement event。
“We have no ability to suppress today’s conflict, and we are vulnerable to the imminent conflict in the future.” Simimufu I said. “Simply put, it is necessary to manufacture more weapons more quickly to support that effort.”
Simim said that the facility would combine scalable software -led production to enable prompt mass production of autonomous weapons and systems.
“This is a way to shift from gradual profits to transformation,” he said. “We are ready to meet both today and tomorrow’s demand. This is how we win.”
The funds used to establish the Ohio State Plant will be procured from the Andril series F Financial Procurement Round. Procure $ 1.5 billion In August 2024。 Founders Fund, supported by Sands Capital and Peter Teal, led the Series F -Round, evaluating Andril’s value of $ 14 billion.
Other investors include Fidelity Management & Research Co, Morgan Stanley Counter Point Global, Bailey Giford, Ultimeter, Franklin Venture Partners.
According to the Senate Financial Information Disclosure website, Vice President JD Vans was included in Anduril’s previous investors.
Anduril was established in 2017 and was jointly established by Palmer Lucky, a virtual reality head -mounted display, which was sold to Facebook for $ 2 billion in 2014.
When production began next year, Anduril stated in an email to Manufacturing Dive, when the company began producing three autonomous air system products, Fury, Roadrunner, and Barracuda. The company plans to build a factory and expand to other products as new facilities operate.
According to the newspaper, the next facility will be strategically placed near major highway, Rickenbacker International Airport, and Ricken Bucker Intermodal Terminal. Columbus Regional Airport Bureau website。
Access to the airport will provide Andril’s private land to support two 12,000 feet runways and military -scale aircraft. Accessibility allows you to quickly deliver components to customers.
The facility is also near the Light Patterson Air Force base, where the Air Force Research Institute is located. In April 2024 The military chose Anduril and Defense contractor General Atomix are in charge of design, manufacturing and testing AI -drive software pieirotes jets. Kyodo Fighter Program。
Anduril won another contract earlier this month. According to a press release on January 7, the Pentagon signed a $ 14.3 million contract to expand the industrial base of the solid rocket motor. Combining the agency’s funding with Andril’s $ 75 million investment, it will enhance the production and production capacity of rocket motors at McHenry, Mississippi.