The special issue will be delivered personally, including the Pakistani Navy, the Chief of the Pakistanian Navy, and Admiral Ashlaf during the Aman-25 exercises.
As part of this issue, we conducted an exclusive interview with Admiral Ashlaf, the chief of the Pakistanian Navy Navy staff (CNS). In this insighted interview, Admiral Ashraf has shared a valuable perspective on the continuous modernization of the Pakistani (PN), existing cooperation with the Turkish defense industry, and the Pakistanian Navy.
Interviews with the Secretary of Navy Pakistani, Admiral Ashraf, provides a comprehensive outline of the modernization, strategic vision, and future roles of the Pakistan Navy (PN). Admiral Ashraf emphasizes the strategic importance of international partnerships, especially on the surface, surface and aviation platforms that are enhancing Pakistan’s naval abilities.
The following are important highlights and insights derived from the interview.
Navy’s exercises and regional cooperation: Both year of Aman’s exercises sponsored by the Pakistanian Navy are expected to have more participation in the 2025 edition, aiming to promote the cooperation of maritime security. This shows Pakistan’s commitment to local stability and collective maritime security.
Navy’s strategic importance: Admiral Ashraf emphasizes that Pakistan is not an extension, but is carefully monitoring the evolved naval dynamics, especially the enemy’s military accumulation. The Navy aims to maintain reliable deterrent and play a stable role in maritime security in the region.
Navy’s role in global maritime security: The Pakistanian Navy is focusing on building a strong relationship with joint maritime security, especially Turkey, to ensure the peace and stability of the sea.
Modernization initiatives:
Focusing on cost -effective solutions: The Pakistan Navy gives priority to economic and indigenous solutions to modernize fleets, and keeps budget constraints in mind. The emphasis is on balancing operation reach, speed and flexibility. New guidance: Type 054 A/P Frigate ship: Anti-aircraft and anti-aircraft fighting ability to strengthen multi-rolling frigate ships with advanced weapons (eg CM-302 SSM, LY-80 SAM). Milgem/Babur Class CorVettes: introduced from Türkiye, and two were built locally under the Karachi Shipyard (TOT). Hanger -class submarines: AIP -free (AIP) submarines are procured from China to enhance stealth and firepower. JET LRMPA Upgrade: EMBRAER ERJ190 Transformation of aircraft into modern maritime patrol platforms, existing P-3C Orion and ATR-72/500 aircraft complement. Middle-aged Upgrade (MLU): F-22P Frigate: Upgrade is located locally and integrates new technologies to improve operational skills. Agosta-90B Submarines: The collaboration with MLU’s Türkiye has greatly improved performance and operation life.
Collaboration with Türkiye:
Co -project: MILGEM/BABUR class Corvette indigenous. The successful MLU of the Agosta-90B submarine emphasizes Türkiye’s expertise in the modernization of the Navy. Future opportunities for joint programs in shipbuilding, maritime patrol platform, and weapon systems. The evaluation of the Navy sector in Turkey: Admiral Ashraf praised the contribution of Pakistan in the Pakistanian navy and defense industry, especially through strategic collaboration.
Indigenous disease:
Jinna class frigate ship: A warship designed by the first large -scale indigenous people, introducing Pakistan’s growth. Local content: Incorporating local -produced steel, increasing the naval platform components of the naval platform, and gradually reducing the dependence on foreign vendors.
Vision of Admiral Ashlaf in 2035:
Completely modernized navy with advanced platforms such as Jet LRMPA, UCAVS, VTOL, new generation ships and submarines ensures deterrent and maritime prosperity after the Arabic Sea.
The interview emphasizes that the Pakistanian Navy is focusing on the modernization of financial constraints to achieve operational outstanding, promote regional cooperation, and deal with evolving maritime issues.