sThe JUST STOP OIL activist who was imprisoned by IXTEEN will appear in court this week with appeal to their ruling. Just talking about damaging the frame, hindering the roads, and obstructing the road, they were punished to keep them for serious crimes. Those who are trying to pay attention to the government’s no -climate crisis have been imprisoned for up to five years.
These sentences are Amnesty International, a draconian, as “the” serious erosion of freedom “by freedom,” “profound fraud by global witnesses,” and “Accepted in democracy. No “is accused. They show the terrible decline of our country, from a clear division of politics and the police to make it become more and more difficult to identify the split line. I am. Regardless of your politics and what you are standing, the right of peaceful protest is an important sign of healthy democracy and authoritative politicians and reckless companies.
I had a campaign inside and outside the parliament, but in 2013 I was arrested for participating in a peaceful protest on a flacking site proposed by West Sussex. The police forced me and my fellow protests, and I was charged with a crime of public orders.
I felt that I had run out of all democratic options, so I acted that day. And as a Brighton pavilion MP, I had more options. Residents living around the proposed flacking sites feel that their concerns are ignored, and public opinion polls are consistently indicated that their wider population and practices are not very popular. Many people protested, and in 2019, the government finally saw a sense of flacking in the UK today. This was a clear example of related citizens that confront the company’s vested interests and the government’s wrong behavior. The protests were part of the mechanism of democracy, leading to many freedom we are enjoying today, such as two -day weekends, national parks and women’s votes.
This week’s attraction is evidence that it is much more difficult for citizens to hear the voice. It may be living expenses, climate crisis, or polluted river. The recent government has expanded the legal definition of public inconvenience, including what causes noise, such as noise. Police have a new authority to stop protests first and search or arrest them. In only one month at the end of 2023, police arrested at least 630 peaceful protests. Survey has shown that British police have arrested environmental protests about three times the global average.
For many people, arrest is just the beginning of their trials. The sentence to cause public inconvenience is in prison for up to 10 years. The protests who have been appealing this week have been imprisoned for five years after participating in a zoom call about the planned climate protest. Forty people spent Christmas day behind the bar to express the opposition against the war and the climate crisis.
The scope of the appeal is limited to the challenge of the sentence. The decision to reduce the punishment of these Hacches will set an important precedent in future cases. However, the fundamental problem of excessive authority given to the police and court to arrest and prosecute a dramatically increased pelvic protest under the last government is the demonization of civil society protests. Along with tabloid rhetoric to do, it is delighted by this one.
KEIR STARMER and his government need to know deeply that this is wrong. In the past life, the Prime Minister himself represented a court -like climate activist this week. Secretary of Interior, Evet Cooper, said earlier that a specific measure in public order was afraid of “eroding the historical freedom of peaceful protests.” Nevertheless, the government seems to be completely satisfied with continuing to be absorbed in the many practices used by authoritarian nations.