US Air Force
‘(USAF) top -air dominant fighter, Lockheed Martin F-22 rapter
Eventually, the infrared sensor has been acquired in the form of a TACIRST sensor, which is a collective name of the infrared defense system (IRDS). Lockheed Martin
The sensor ultimately brings the F-22 rapter to the league with many other aviation fighters, from Boeing F/A-18E/F Super Hornet to the Lockhid Martin F-35 Lightning II Family.
The TACIRST sensor works with the F-5 Tiger
178 USAF F-22 Tashirst sensor attached to most small fleets, even if it is not all of the rapters. These sensors are not accustomed to military aviation, and tactical airlines have been added to 21 private attackers F-5 ADVANCED TIGER (F-5AT) 3rd generation fighters. According to October 12, 2022, Tactical Air Support, Inc. Statement,
“TACIRST is a multifunctional sensor system with open architecture developed by Lockheed Martin, providing various reconnaissance and threat warning functions on both crew and private aircraft. Passive and embedded. The sensor will be able to see the unique torso of the F-5 torso while complementing the electronic tactics.
Tactical Air Support, Inc. You can see how rationally the TACIRST was size.
Photo: Tactical Air Support (TACAIR)
Lockheed Martin’s advanced threat warning system Director Terry Horn is shared in the same statement,
“I hope that the need for an advanced sensor like TACIRST will make the pilot mission more surviving and to be fatal to the present and future enemies. For the 21st century dispute. I am proud to be able to support the work of Tactical Air to prepare the best of the American.
So this is a suitable place to start for the F-22 IRDS. The F-22 is designed to be low-priced and can be operated by 9G, so pods or important conflicted add-ons impair their low observation and control.
Is there any more in the story? of course.
Get multiple tashasts for each F-22 rapter
By reviewing multiple reports, F-22 Raptors will be installed in multiple TACIRSTs throughout Raptor. According to Lockheed Martin’s January 22 statement, it is not a single tashlst, but an “embedded tashlst sensor”, including the infrared defense system (IRDS). Lockheed Martin has shared the IRDS going to other platforms.
Upgrade is one of them
Some upgrades of F-22 Raptor’s works
F-22 Barns saved from retirement: Why is USAF investing $ 8 billion in fighters?
F-22 Raptor has acquired a large new upgrade with stealth fuel tanks and sensors. But not all F-22s are upgraded.
With this upgrade, the F-22 Raptor eventually has the same features as many other current fighters and fighters under development. I created a list.
Fighter with an embedded air -to -air infrared sensor
The following is a list of confirmed front -line fighters with an air -to -air infrared sensor, not embedded -pods.
CHENGDU J-20 DASSAULT TYPHOON LOCKHEED MARTIN F-35 Lightning II Family 1 FOXHOUND SAAB JAS 39 E/ F Gripen SHENYANG J-11/15 /Sino Flanker Family Shekenyang J-35 Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35 Flanker Family Sukhoi Su-57 Felon
In addition, the USAF Aeronautics Security Corps has an infrared ability in Boeing F-15C Eagle to visually identify various threats in the United States Air Force sovereignty/AAQ-33 Sniper advanced targeting pod. You need to be careful. You can see the evidence of the photo below:
Photo: Joe Kunzuler | SINPLE FLYING
But wait, there is more …
Lockheed Martin also makes the first Legion pod
Boeing F/A-18E/F Super Hornet also has the option to use the center line fuel tank that has been changed by infrared search and truck (IRST) in the nose. IRST is called an/asg-34 Legion Pod, and is made by Lockheed Martin as shown below.
Graphic: Lockheed Martin
The F-22 Raptor’s IRST technology also mentions it because it seems to be based on Legion Pod Work products. The legion pod is based on the work performed for Grumman F-14D Tomcat, but has been improved continuously. In 2025, the pod can be attached to the F-15 family, F-16 Viper, F/A-18E/F Super Hornet. On February 12, 2022, the U.S. Air Force announced that the Legion pod has reached the initial operation capacity (IOC) in the F-15C Eagle. Major General Daniel Hermansky As an F-15 requirement chief of the Air Battle Command shared under statement of the Air Force,
“In today’s combat environment, not only has the ability and technology of jaming and countering radar, but also enemies. This pod fights against jamming technology, fighting enemies in a fighting environment. The next step to track.
Obviously, pods can be used on F-15EX, but the following photos of the F-15C eagle equipped with a legion pod are shown below.
However, the report of the US Air Force 2021 pointed out that POD restricts the F-15C attack capacity, and to complete the flight test to improve the pilotry of the F-15C in POD. Was insufficient funds. I will consider
F-22 maneuverability
-Thring -stealth -is an important feature, and pods were by no means options.
Why does F-22 Raptor make the most operated fighter jet aircraft in the US Air Force?
The F-22 is an American top fighter aircraft with outstanding mobility. Read more and find something that is very agile in the air in the air.
The legion pod is more than the one that suits your eyes
Photo: 1st Lint. Lindsey Brewer | 53rd wings | US Air Force
According to a statement by Lockhid Martin on June 8, 2021, the legion pod is a special data link to add a threat only from the “accurate angle measurement of a very competitive aerial environment”. I needed a correction. Surved the signal of multiple legion pods. It is safe to guess that the F-22 will use multiple IRDS Tashylst Sensors for the target if the pilot does not want to see the target by optical without radar.
USAF has already tested the first to fire AMRAAMS
Already, on August 10, 2021, according to USAF 53rd Wing Statement, the Raytheon Aim-120 AMRAAM long-range radar guidance missile shot. In the statement, Major Brian Davis, the chief of the 85th TES air weapon and tactics, means the success of the AIM-120 test.
“This successful live missile test is important, so it is equipped with the first queueed AIM-120, so it does not depend on the radar energy, but detection, tracking, targeting, employment of weapons, and without it. It is also possible to achieve an intercept verification or a low -target design.
In this test, it is safe to presume that the F-22 will be able to use only the initial data to make six AIM-120 AMRAAMS, two AIM-9 side winders, and 20mm cannon. Make the F-22 rapter even more invisible.
Conclusion: F-22 birds of prey are more harder and are trying to track
The F-22 Raptor is the next recipient of the Lockheed Martin work using the first sensing and tracking system. This work began with the F-5AT attacker jet and a legion pod with the current range. F-22 Raptor will participate in aircraft families on infrared search and trucks (IRST) and launch missiles in the air without using radar.
Finally, edit words
Finally, the author is sadly that Lockheed Martin’s junior spokesman refuses comments and share the obligation to share a simple flight question to the US Air Force Life Cycle Management Center. 。 The US Air Force Life Cycle Management Center did not return multiple e -mails and calls in the past seven days. So we tried to assemble the highest quality and most accurate story with Simple Flying.