BRICS has emerged as an important international force since 2009, established at the Russian Summit. The group of five members of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa is now expanding through the integration of five new members and eight new partner countries. There is a possibility that more countries will participate in the next few years.
This growth rises the essential question of whether BRICS will challenge traditional leadership of the United States, the United Kingdom, and European Union.
However, analysts are also questioning what the united blocks are actually and whether the unified lack of unification will configure a disability for the expansion of the block. BRICS is definitely diverse. Iran and Saudi Arabia have different conflicts on the Governance of the Nile, with regional powers in the Middle East, Egypt and Ethiopia, and the skirmish between China and India is well known.
However, the strength of the blocks may exist in the ability to integrate this diverse country that has not been completely consistent. The construction of a loose international organization may be the key to navigating international politics in an era of polarization.
The rise of BRICS must be contexted in the progressive competition between the United States and China. The world’s two largest competition is more likely to intensify in the next few years, forming modern global order. The recorded announcement of a record surplus of $ 2024 (£ 80.4 billion) and its solid 5 % economic growth are replacing the new liberal policy sponsored by the United States. I strengthened the story. The past 40 years.
Political leaders around the world and economic elites are closely observed the competition between the United States and China. Most countries are trying to maintain a flat approach. Traditionally, he has been cautious about the economic opportunity provided by Asian giants within the US influence of Brazil and Peru. Previously, we are working to maintain or expand the relationship with the United States in Chinese orbit, such as Vietnam.

China is definitely the driving force to connect BRICS. Without China, it would not have existed. All Brics countries share two important characteristics. They are global tropical countries that do not belong to a group of traditional hegemony. And they have an important economic relationship with China, especially through trade relationships.
Belt and road
The official story of BRICS emphasizes multilateralism, cooperation, and fair global development. However, in fact, this group is mainly functioning as a tool for China to project its power and influence. China will achieve this through a rhetoric combination and use the block as a special trade platform linked to the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI).
BRICS aims to promote free trade and multilateralism and position itself as an alternative to our hegemony. In the era of political turbulence and illegal power, the story functions as a powerful justification tool for groups around the world. However, the diversity of this group has a major issue in the rise of the US -led global order. It is unlikely that BRICS will evolve into a unified military alliance like NATO, or to evolve into a free trade area such as ASEAN and US Mexican Canada (USMCA -previous NAFTA). Group diversity prevents these characteristics from gaining.
With this in recognition, China is strategically using BRICS to increase business opportunities and international impacts. It maintains a loose block and a more solid military or economic alliance. Contrary to the Cold War era, when the two superpower, the United States and the Soviet Union have a sufficiently defined influential area, the current global order is shaped by a loosely connected international block. It looks like you are.

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China’s prominent in BRICS is clear and unlikely to change. This accounts for two -thirds of the group GDP and Brics transactions. This country is a major trade partner in Brazil, Russia, India, South Africa, Egypt, Ethiopia, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia and Iran. China also invests a lot in these countries. Russia is the largest winner of foreign direct investment in China in BRICS, with more than $ 10 billion.
Most BRICS member states are directly or indirectly involved in the BRI. The main BRI projects may not be in BRICS, but are mainly in the center, southeast, and Southeast Asia. Egypt, Ethiopia, South Africa, Saudi Arabia and Iran also hold BRI Initiative. Although not the official BRI member, Brazil has become an important partner in his role as a Chinese central food supplier.
These numbers emphasize that the expansion of BRICS is one of the priority of China’s foreign policy. This country uses this group to project both economic and ideologies. Donald Trump’s plan to impose trade tariffs on several countries, including China is likely to encourage China to strengthen this policy. Colombia’s recent episodes with Colombia, which are reportedly threatened to impose tariffs if Colombia continues to return to foreign expulsions, has forced many countries to seek more closely trading with China. It is reported that there is a possibility of encouragement.
Strategic friendship
Some analysts have correctly argued that Brics is divided between the anti -Western state and those who prefer a non -alliance. Russia’s anti -west group proposes a conflict against the United States, but non -alliance, including India and Brazil, supports more subtle approaches.
Analysts argue that the United States should build a closer relationship with the non -alliance to affect the internal BRICS debate. However, it overlooks the fact that China is not only a de facto leader of BRICS, but also has a clear strategy that supports the west side based on multilateralism and free trade. Therefore, despite what Russia wants, it is unlikely that BRICS will assume a conflict in the west.
China knows that the non -standing approach is the best way to solidify BRICS as a loose block that attracts more countries and defends more democratic global governance.
So far, this strategy seems to be working.