Sports Column: It’s time to apply for a Red Carpet Bowl Scholarship
Released on Sunday, February 16th, 2025 at 4am
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One of Vicksburg’s distinctive sporting events is the red carpet bowl.
For 62 years, counting events has celebrated high school soccer, the community, and our entire city. To organize the game, players and coaches need to accept it in order for a large team, fans to support it and maintain it, and for its unique traditions.
All of these are great, but another purpose of a red carpet bowl is that it often flies under the radar and is something you’re playing with right now.
Red Carpet Bowl is a nonprofit organization that funds scholarships to graduate from Warren County high school seniors. Approximately $1,000 is awarded annually. Paying full tuition is not enough, especially given the high costs of college these days, but certainly can help with books and expenses.
Now is the time for students to get a portion of that money.
Applications for the 2025 Red Carpet Bowl Scholarship are currently being accepted. Students do not need to be athletes to qualify, but they must submit their application and homework.
In addition to filling out some basic information on your application, such as a list of activities and transcripts, you will need to write a 500-word essay on why red carpet bowl scholarships are important to them.
Perhaps scholarships are a family tradition. Maybe playing in the red carpet bowl was a highlight of high school. Or, it could be an important part of the university’s financial planning. Whatever the reason, say it in eloquent words and submit it.
Applications can be emailed to Travis Wayne Vance at the guidance office of each high school or at There is also a form attached to the online version of this column, which you can download and use.
When you fill it up and ready for your essay, please send it to us by mail: Dr. Robert Abraham. 3038 Indiana Avenue. Vicksburg, MS 39180.
The deadline for submitting your application is March 4th. The recipient will be named in a few weeks.
Red Carpet Bowl is a fun game, but it’s all fun and not a game. There is a very big reason for this and this is the season to celebrate it. Let your scholarship chances run away and send your application today.
Ernest Bauker is a sports editor for the Vicksburg Post. He can contact