On December 11, 2024, FIFA awarded the World Cup hosting right to Saudi Arabia in 2034. The announcement was as wide as criticized. FIFA was accused of adjusting the bidding process to guarantee that Saudi Arabia was the only bidder in the 2034 tournament. Given Death of thousands of immigrants From South Asia From most IndiaFor the 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar, West Human rights organization And while the global union issued an alarm again, it is our citizens to count the tragic cost of FIFA’s decision, and in India needs urgent conversations.>
Gulf Coast Adjustment Council -Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, and the Six States, which make up the United States, are structurally dependent on immigration workers, which are more than half of the regional population. Masu. Indians accounted for 8.8 million in 2022, the largest ratio of GCC immigrants. In the same year 2.46 million Indians In Saudi Arabia. From the government’s response to Lok Sabha to the ARA MP Sudama Prasad questions It can be seen that the government was almost issued between 2021 and 2024 on November 29, 2024. 12 Rark immigration clearance (Agency for Blue Collar Worker Visas) GCC. Of these 5.63 Rarks or 47 %, only Saudi Arabia. >
The question of the Indian Communist Party (Marxist Leninist) (CPI (ML)) MP also revealed that 3,969 Indians had died in GCC between 2021 and 2024, including 1,025, including Saudi Arabia alone. Here, it is necessary to remember that immigration workers are mostly young and have to be recognized as medically suitable for the workplace before being hired. Research conducted by 2022 VITAL-SIGNS partnershipFive non -profit organizations from the five -originated state Fair skiringUK -based non -profit organizations have announced that about 10,000 immigrant workers have died from Southeast Asia every year on the Gulf.f A series of cumulative and alleviated risks for their health, especially the extreme temperature on the Gulf, are becoming more and more fatal as the climate crisis intensifies. >
The lack of investigation of workers’ deaths and most of them labeled most of them for “natural causes,” the true cause behind the death of immigration workers is unknown. This is the main reason that remains. >
There is enough evidence of serious labor and human rights violation faced by Saudi Arabia immigrant workers. Human Rights Watch (HRW), a global human rights organization, has documented a wide range of labor rights infringement of various sectors hired by immigrant workers nationwide. HRW’s recent report “If you die first, please pay later.” Based on more than 140 workers, their families, employers, and state authorities in Saudi Arabia. >
The stolen wage, exposure to the risk of occupational health, and the state failure that did not protect immigrant workers from abuse is the highest in HRW surveys. The severity of the violation is extreme in sector enabled by low -income workers such as construction. Recently submitted by Building and Woodworkers International Official complaint about Saudi Arabia At an international labor organization (ILO) for human rights abuse and wage theft of 21,000 workers employed by Saudi construction companies. >
Saudi Arabia has a high rate of death among the Indian people, and the lack of protection is an obvious scandal with an emergency government and the people, and Saudi Arabia is the 2034 FIFA World Cup. Won awarded. What I explained above is that the scale and strength worsen. >
In particular, research on past mega sports events FIFA operation And the Host of the World Cup shows that high infrastructure is often a hurry at the expense of monitoring that needs demand for high infrastructure. In the case of Saudi Arabia, this risk has worsened by the labor system that has already vulnerable to workers’ lives. >
Despite having a necessary leverage, FIFA has been legalized by the host country’s sexual minority, as well as the exploitation and abuse of human rights, immigrant workers. I chose not to make a forced demand for the exclusion. To know about the harsh and frequent working conditions facing domestic immigrant workers, and to prioritize profits over other countries that send workers, India, and workers. Their citizens in the country that need to take urgent action and protect the desire of FIFA.
As revealed in the government’s response, the rapid increase in Indian workers moving to Saudi Arabia is expected to continue because the demand for domestic workers is expected to increase. FIFA events have strict requirements and harsh timelines for completion. Mega sports event in Saudi Arabia I need Construction of 11 new stadiums with a total capacity of 5,55,370 seats, and renovated four existing stadiums for five cities. In addition, this event requires additional 1,85,000 hotel rooms. Neom of Neom, a Neom that will not only build up to 12 international airports and build connections between cities and subways, but also hold two quarter finals.>
The Indian state is responsible for the lives and welfare of citizens, even if they are obsessed outside the geographical jurisdiction. India’s efforts for this purpose on the Gulf are also useful for Saudi Arabia. This is because the treatment of immigration workers is a mass of the image that tries to reform through a megai event hosting. If there are lessons to be learned from the Qatar 2022 World Cup, the country that provides labor to Gulf countries must be part of the conversation and seek their protection. Rely on Western NGOs and international media to protect Indian workers.
India is often considered an emerging superpower. It is an image that the current government especially likes to projected in Japan. Aside from rhetoric, the case of Indian Blue Color Immigrant Workers provides a true test for the Indian superpower. Can the Indian government protect overseas workers?>
USman Jawed is conducting research on Indian War Labor Immigration with non -profit organizations called FairSquare.