Louisiana’s employee resignation plan reduced its holdings of Hewlett Packard Enterprise (NYSE: HPE-Free Report) stake by 4.5% in the fourth quarter. The company owned 69,900 shares in the technology company after selling 3,300 shares during the period. Louisiana’s employee retirement plan Hewlett Packard Enterprise held at $1,492,000 at the time of its most recent SEC filing.
Several other large investors have also recently added or reduced investments in their businesses. Eagle Asset Management Inc. increased its Hewlett Packard Enterprise holdings by 3,537.0% in the third quarter. Eagle Asset Management Inc. owns 5,788,154 shares of the technology company worth $127,571,000 after purchasing an additional 5,629,006 shares over the period. Mizuho Markets Americas LLC purchased new shares in Hewlett Packard Enterprise worth approximately $105,185,000 in the third quarter. Pacer Advisors Inc. increased its position at Hewlett Packard Enterprise by 18.1% in the third quarter. Pacer Advisors Inc. owns 27,383,858 shares in the technology company worth $560,274,000 after acquiring an additional 4,194,213 shares in the last quarter. Raymond James & Associates raised its holdings of Hewlett Packard Enterprise by 92.5% in the third quarter. Raymond James & Associates owns 4,404,520 shares of the tech company worth $90,116,000 after purchasing an additional 2,116,824 shares over the period. Finally, Nordea Investment Management AB increased its holdings of Hewlett Packard Enterprise by 35.1% in the fourth quarter. Nordea Investment Management AB owns 7,253,035 shares of the technology company worth $155,142,000 after purchasing an additional 1,885,559 shares over the period. Institutional investors own 80.78% of the company’s shares.
Wall Street Analyst Weight
HPE is the subject of many analyst reports. Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft upgraded Hewlett Packard Enterprise from a “hold” rating to a “buy” rating, setting the company’s $25.00 price target in its research notes on Thursday, December 19th. Stifel Nicolaus raised the price target for Hewlett Packard Enterprise stock from $22.00 to $25.00, giving it a “buy” rating in its research report on Friday, December 6th. Loop Capital raised its price target for Hewlett Packard Enterprise stock from $18.00 to $24.00, giving the stock a “hold” rating in its report on Monday, December 9th. In a report on Thursday, February 6th, StockNews.com reduced its Hewlett Packard Enterprise stock from a “strong buy” rating to a “buy” rating. Finally, in a report on Monday, November 18th, Raymond James upgraded Hewlett Packard Enterprise stock from an “outperform” rating to a “strong shopping” rating, increasing the price target for the stock from $23.00 to $29.00 I did. Six stock research analysts evaluated the stock with holding ratings, eight issued buy ratings, and one issued strong buy ratings to the company. According to MarketBeat data, the stock currently has an average rating of “medium purchases” and a consensus price target of $24.00.
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Hewlett Packard Enterprise Stock Performance
HPE shares opened on Monday at $21.73. The company’s market capitalization is $28.58 billion, its price-to-earning ratio is 11.43, PEG ratio is 1.98, and beta version is 1.19. The company has a simple moving average of $22.00 for a 50-day period and a simple moving average of $20.52 for a 200-day period. Hewlett Packard Enterprise’s first low in a year was $14.47, while the year’s high was $24.66. The company has a fast debt-to-fair ratio of 0.54, 0.99, and a current ratio of 1.29.
Hewlett Packard Enterprise announces dividends
The company recently declared a quarterly dividend paid on Thursday, January 16th. Shareholders on record on Friday, December 20th were given a dividend of $0.13 per share. This represents a dividend of $0.52 and a dividend yield of 2.39% per year. The day of this dividend was Friday, December 20th. Hewlett Packard Enterprise’s payment rate is 27.37%.
Buy and sell insiders at Hewlett Packard Enterprise
In related news, SVP Jeremy Cox sold 7,771 shares in a transaction that occurred on Friday, December 6th. The stock sold at an average price of $23.00, totaling $178,733.00. After the transaction is completed, the senior vice president currently directly owns 61,735 shares worth $1,419,905. The transaction represents an 11.18% decline in its position. The sale was disclosed in documents filed with the SEC. This is available through this hyperlink. EVP John F. Schultz also sold 262,818 shares in a transaction held on Wednesday, December 11th. The shares were sold at an average price of $21.62 in a total trading of $5,682,125.16. After the transaction is closed, the Executive Vice President currently directly owns 270,430 shares, which are $5,846,696.60. Trade saw a 49.29% decline in share ownership. Disclosure of this sale can be found here. In the past 90 days, insiders have sold 332,166 shares of the company worth $7,300,629. 0.40% of the shares are currently owned by insiders.
Hewlett Packard Enterprise Profile
(Free report)
Hewlett Packard Enterprise Company offers solutions that enable customers to seamlessly capture, analyze and act on data in the US, Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Asia Pacific, and Japan. It works in six segments: Computing, HPC & AI, Storage, Intelligent Edge, Financial Services, and Corporate Investment.
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