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Turkish: Adalet Vekalkınmapartisi (AKP) (more displayed)
Call: AK Party or Turkish: AK Parti (more display)
Date: August 2001 -Current (more displayed)
Job and Development Party, political parties who gained power in Türkiye in the 2002 general election. Despite the non -traditional duties of the party, AKP has gained significant support from non -world Turks and faces opposition from some segments of Turkish society. A agenda of Muslims that may impair Türkiye’s secular foundation.
Background and formation
AKP’s success in the early 2000s can dates back to the invasion in the 1990s. The Islamic Party (WP; Refhah Partisi), established in 1983, was established in 1983. It is supported by an increase in Islamic roles in the life of Turkish in the 1980s and 90s. Schools, banks, and Sufy orders -WP won the overwhelming victory in the 1995 parliamentary election and became the first Islamic party in the Turkey general election. However, in January 1998, the WP was banned by the Turkish Court of Court in Turkey for disrupted secular order. Many members have joined another Islamic Party, VP; Fazilet Partisi, but was also banned in June 2001.
In August, the next group was led With Abdora Gyuru Recep Tayyiperdoğan (former mayor of Istanbul (1994 –98)) attacked to form AKP. Unlike his predecessor, AKP did not concentrate its image, mainly in Islamic identity. In fact, the leader emphasized that it was not the Islamic Party, and emphasized that the focus was not a religious politician but democratized. Nevertheless, the political roots of AKP and their leadership, part of the political efforts of the party (including alcohol exhibitions and proposed advertisements), and headcars worn by the wife of AKP leaders AKP, including Eminine Erdogan and Halnisa Gyuru -AKP, was suspected by some of Turkish population.
Despite the fact that AKP was a relatively new party, the parliamentary election in November 2002 gained enough seats to get the absolute majority in 550 seats. Erdogan was legally banned as a Congress and a prime minister for the conviction of inciting religious hatred in 1998, but he has a mosque, minaret, bayonet and faithful people. He was reciting a poem to compare. In December 2002, Erdogan’s disqualification was effectively deleted. After winning the esoteries on March 9, 2003, Erdogan was asked by the press. AHMET NECDET SEZER formed a new government, and Erdogan was appointed Prime Minister on May 14, 2003. At the first general meeting of AKP held in October of that year, the members unanimously re -elected Erdogan as the party chair. The following year, AKP was greatly successful in the city election.
Early political tension
The tension between the Turkish world and AKP was raised in 2007 when the parliament attempted to be selected as a national presidential position was blocked by the opposition boycott. In response to the subsequent stalemate state, the early general election was held in July of that year, creating an overwhelming victory for AKP. Gyuru was later announced as a candidate for the President and was elected to its position by Congress on August 28, 2007. In the latter half of that year, the constitutional referendum changed the election process of the presidential position directly to the election.
AKP and its secular enemies are once again revised when Congress has passed the ban on head scarves, which is a sign of religion, which had long been disputeed in Turkey on a university campus for a long time. I collided. AKP’s opponents renewed the accusation that the party threatened Turkey’s customs order, and in March, the Constitutional Court asked for the ban on the dismantling of AKP and dozens of party members, including Erdogan. I voted for. 5 years of political life. In July 2008, the court decided narrowly against the closing of the party, but significantly reduced the state of the state.
Expansion of power and general support
In September 2010, AKP achieved a victory when the constitutional amendment package proposed by the party was approved in a referendum. The package included changes to enhance the authority of the Congress, which was more responsible for the private court and appointed a judge. Opponents of the referendum have accused AKP attempt to increase their power by reducing the independence of the military and justice.
Following the referendum, AKP continued to seek constitutional changes. While conducting a campaign for parliamentary elections in early 2011, the party promised to replace the Turkish constitution with a new constitution to strengthen democratic freedom. In June 2011, AKP ruled the parliamentary election, secured the majority of the Diet, and secured the third term as Erdogan. However, AKP did not reach the majority of two -thirds required to write a new constitution unilaterally.
In August 2014, Erdogan resigned as the Prime Minister. This is because the AKP rules hindered him from seeking another term. He was replaced by it AHMETDAVUTOğlu, a stubborn AKP who used to be the Minister of Foreign Affairs. Erdogan continued to live in public and won the president’s main role. However, Erdogan quickly revealed that it promoted the constitutional change to increase the authority of the presidential position. The opponents of Erdogan and AKP opposed the government’s further authoritative trends in the government’s repression of the government and the number of important journalists in accordance with the government repression of the 2013 liberal protests. I did.
In June 2015, AKP failed to win the majority of Congress for the first time since its formation, and received only 41 % of the votes in the general election. The results were widely seen as RE RE’s RE’s ambition to strengthen the presidential position, but proved to be short -lived for AKP. After the June election, the ruling Alliance failed.
In April 2017, a referendum was held in which a constitutional change proposed to abolish the Prime Minister’s role was proposed in April 2017. The referendum succeeded in a narrow majority, and the change was set to be made after the next election set. The election originally scheduled for November 2019 was held early in June 2018. AKP is The Nationalist Athletic Party (MHP) and AKP itself received less than half of the voting, but the alliance gained a majority. In the presidential election, Erdogan was re -elected, and this time it was re -elected with more than 52 %. The constitution was changed in July at the inauguration ceremony of the new government.
AKP’s misery grew only during Erdogan’s second term. It was greeted by the sluggish economic downturn due to his sustainable pressure on interest rate hiking from the central bank. The growing dissatisfaction with the increase in living expenses was reflected in the local government election held on March 31, 2019. The results showed that five of the six largest cities in Turkey, including Ankara and Istanbul, lost their first five largest cities since the party. In 2004, it gained advantage. As a result, the Turkish municipalities managed many basic government services, so they hit the party’s abilities that carry out national agenda.
The dissatisfaction with Erdogan’s policy and his ruling controlled some of the party’s heavyweight and broke the rank. In the latter half of 2019, Davutoğlu left the party and Future Party (Gelecek Partisi); Another break away party, DemocrasiveatılıMPartisi; Deva was established in 2020. The two parties advocated the return to the government’s parliamentary system and showed a common interest with opposition parties dispatching Erdogan.
Editor of Encyclopaedia Britannica This article has recently been revised and updated by Adam Zeidan.