The National Institute of Technology (NIT)’s Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering hosted an international conference on ‘Artificial Intelligence, Device Computing, Communications and Signal Processing’ which concluded here on Sunday.
NIT Director HM Suryawanshi expressed pride at the successful organization of the conference. “This event reflects the Institute’s commitment to fostering innovation and providing a global platform for knowledge exchange in emerging technologies,” he said. The participation of eminent researchers and experts made this conference a real success. ”
Earlier, Dr. Ravinder Zandu, Head of Digital Systems, gave a detailed discussion on emerging digital technologies. The four plenary sessions were attended by thought leaders from around the world. Prof. RP Yadav from NIT-Jaipur provided insights into future applications of AI in communications and signal processing, along with Dr. Amir and Dr. Ajeet Kumar, research scientists at the National Institute of Radar and Surveillance Systems at PISA, Italy captivated the audience with a talk on machine learning. Polarimetric SAR and Interferometric SAR Processing, SAR processing for target detection in surveillance applications. The plenary session ended with Professor Arun Khosla from IT-Jalandhar giving a session on emerging AI trends in signal processing.
The conference featured presentations of thematic research papers across six carefully selected technical sessions. The best paper awards for each session were awarded to Dr. Deepanshu Kaushal, Dr. Pallavi Ranjan, Pal Patel, Sumit Anand, Anubselvan Kashilingam and Roopali Sarwan Sharma.
Dr. Ashok Kumar expressed his gratitude to the participants, reviewers, speakers, industry stakeholders, and institute management for their valuable contributions and support.