The live action film training dragons has released a trailer for it. The film’s director is grateful for the opportunity to tell his story in a fresh way.
After debuting the excerpts at Super Bowl LIX, Universal Pictures released a full trailer ahead of the film hitting the film on June 13th. The live action feature is a remake of the hit animated film of DreamWorks Animation of the same name, released in 2010.
How Nico Parker trains writer-director Dean Debrowi’s new How to Dragon star Mason Thames as Astrid. The cast is concluded by Gerard Butler, Nick Frost and Julian Dennison. DeBlois, who has been involved since the start of the franchise, has written and directed a new project based on a 2010 animated film co-directed with Chris Sanders.
At an event via trailer attended by the Hollywood Reporters, DeBroar discussed the origins of the new film. “The rushed production schedule and the limited resources we had in the DreamWorks first film have made us skip to the past, and immersive behaviour,” he said. “It finds moments that are very faithful to the story, yet enrich the relationships of the characters, give them a little depth and give them a bit of mythology that may have been lacking in the original.”
Debrow explained that Astrid’s character always felt that he was “a little unserved” in the original film. “Nico Parker plays Astrid. One of those warriors who fight those precious dragons, collected by the Vikings in various places. She hopes to one day become the chief of this tribe. She is big She has ambitions and what’s great about it is that it creates a conflict between her and her hiccups.”
The director added that the remake team is careful not to personify the dragon too much. “The challenge is challenging animators to do exactly what our Dreamworks animators had to do. So that we don’t sacrifice individuality,” DeBrois said. . “Every dragon has a sense of reinvention, as it was more cartoonish than the others.”
How to train a new trailer for the Dragon shows Hiccup telling Astrid about his connection with Hiccup. “I’m the first Viking who won’t kill a dragon,” Hiccup admits the trailer. This adds Astrid “first to ride.”
The franchise, which includes two theatrical sequels, is inspired by the book series by author Cressida Cowell. The new film will be produced by DeBlois, Marc Platt and Adam Siegel.
Please see the trailer below.