France has launched a new variant of Rafale Fighter Jet and F-4. The dense United Arab Emirates in India will be the first customer. The French airline has announced in a statement that the Rafale F-4 trial will be held at the Dassau Air Test Center soon and will begin to deliver fighters to the UAE by the end of 2026. Jet of fighters posted in X’s social media
The United Arab Emirates has signed a contract with a French company to procure 80 Rafare F-4 fighters. During the ceremony, the fighter was exhibited on Etorulu Tube Air Base.
“UAE’s first F4 Rafale, produced in line with the contract schedule, will remain at the Dassau Airlines Flying Examination Center and conduct a flight test in consideration of the first delivery to the UAE Air Force and the air defense. 2026. , Dassau Airlines wrote on X.
The place where there were senior officials in both countries. After the French Air Force, the United Arab Emirates will be the second country with a Rafare F-4 fighter jet. UAE signed a contract for 80 Rafarefighter Jet in 2021.
The UAE has obtained an F-4 variant, but India raised the Rafale Jets F-3 Vararinant in 2020. DASSAULTAVIATION manufactured fighters in 13 upgrades, which are India’s requirements, and was an advanced version of the original F-3 variant. 。
The F-3 Rafare Fighter Jet purchased by India was equipped with Armement Air-Sol Modulaire (AASM), which can operate under all weather conditions. Jets is a wise air -to -ground stand -off weapon developed by Safran Electronics & Defense. Jet has the ability to reach the target at a distance of 70 km or more.
The UAE will be given a variant upgraded by Rafare Fighter Jet. The F-4 Rafa Regget upgrades features such as Thales software definition radio, satellite communication, RBE2, AESA, Talios targeting Pod, and front sector optronic systems.
Vikas Mehta
February 1, 2025 13:30