Over 15 months, operations by the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) in Gaza killed at least 46,000 Palestinians and another 3,000 people in Lebanon in response to the terrorist attacks on October 7, 2023, and 1,200 people. The Israelites have died. At the time of writing this review, the IDF has been carrying out a series of raids in the Palestinian city of Jenin on the West Bank since January 19, 2025, even if a tenuous ceasefire has been introduced in Gaza. The need for a ceasefire to stop immediate killings was difficult to sit and stock the basis of the Israeli and Palestinian issues that proved its lasting character. Still, this is what you need most. Stanley Johnny’s original sin: the revenge of Israel, Palestine and former West Asia makes it possible. It’s a spectacular and analytical detail of what many people mean when they say it. “History did not begin on October 7th, 2023.”
By Stanley Johnny
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Johnny’s analysis of the Israeli and Palestinian questions is neatly woven into observations and experiences of the region from his own trip, years ago and months after October 7th. The result is a calm portrait of all the reasons why “original sin” in West Asia continues. Haunt the area. Johnny begins with a first-hand account of his experience traveling from Ramallah on the West Bank to Tel Aviv, Israel in 2018. Tel Aviv, Israel, offers a window into the physical and human aspects of one of the oldest conflicts in the modern world. He documents the number of Israeli military checkpoints he and his Palestinian drivers had to face, but Johnny is aware of something. Israel must face it. What about ordinary Palestinians?
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Johnny’s account of the 9-meter “segregation barrier” built around the Israeli occupied West Bank (the “apartheid” wall considered illegal by the International Court of Justice) and the way the Palestinians organized it, It makes clear what has been revealed. A discriminatory, colonial approach to Palestine that Israel has historically adopted.

Stanley Johnny’s analysis of the Israeli-Palestine issue was neatly woven into his own travels and observations and experiences of the region a few years ago and months after October 7th. It’s there. Photo Credit: By special arrangement
Because the author makes a sincere effort to outline the rampaging anti-Semitic discrimination that Jews faced in Europe and elsewhere. Life in Palestine under Israeli occupation today is sharp and secure today. Johnny details the history of Israel and Palestinian issues since 1948 and military involvement between Arab countries and Israel, and at multiple points in history, Palestinian territory under Israeli occupation has increased. . He then seamlessly switches views of Israeli, Iranian, American, British and Arab conflicts to unlock the positions of each actor that shapes the Israeli and Palestinian issues. But the two takeaways stand out.
Merciful Confien of an illegal settlement
First, the steady dehumanization of Israeli Palestinians and the deterioration of the ability to reclaim land due to fait’s accomplices presented by illegal Israeli settlements on the West Bank. These settlements surged from 3,99,000 to 4,65,000 between 2017 and 2020, especially under the White House Donald Trump administration. Israeli restrictions result in approximately 25.3% of West Bank GDP being lost each year, resulting in cumulative losses. Of the approximately $50 billion between 2000 and 2020.
A mixture of denying Palestinians and full control over access to political rights and access to the Gaza world, limiting their physical movements and everyday life against Palestinians in occupied territory. The approval of violence leads to Johnny’s heart-stroking question. Does Israel, a superior force, continue to seize more Palestinian lands while violence and occupation continue? “And the violence that such conditions created was usually engulfed even those who worked for peace. For example, Johnny’s choice to portray the Vivian Silver story is important as he elaborates on the horrors of Hamas’ 2023 terrorist attacks. It showed that even veteran Canada-Israel (Jewish) peace activists who have finally documented Israeli crimes can’t escape the brutality of Hamas’ indiscriminate attacks. Israel unleashed an equal form of collective punishment. Johnny unleashes many statements and celebrities that have provoked Israeli leaders and celebrities who have normalized that Israeli leaders and celebrities could kill everyone in Gaza as a revenge on October 7th I did.
The second takeaway is the biased power dynamics between Israel and Palestine. Palestinian teenagers throw stones at IDF. This reacts with bombs and bullets. Johnny said officials from Palestinian authorities told him in 2015 when he visited the area as part of the media conditioning associated with Indian President Pranab Mukherjee.
However, Johnny outlines the factors at the heart of Palestinian logic for continuing armed resistance against Israel. “The Israeli record shows that it made limited concessions in the face of external pressure and Palestinian violence,” he points out correctly, providing evidence of this: Suez in 1957. The war forced the first Israeli withdrawal from Gaza. The Egyptian War Clouds of the 1970s created an enthusiasm to sign Israel’s framework contracts. The first intifada to lead to the Oslo agreement. and the second intifada to force Israel to withdraw from Gaza in 2005.

A man watching the evacuation Gazan crossing the corridor of Netzarim. Without a Palestinian state, there would be no real “resolution” to the conflict, no permanent regional stability, and no enduring expression of Palestinian self-determination would be over. | Photo Credit: Omar al-qattaa/afp
Political conflicts tied to the land usually lie between sovereign states who survive and thrive independently from the conflict, with sufficient social, political, economic and military capabilities. A dispute with another state defines its relationship with that state, but it is not the whole existence as a sovereign entity. But in Israel and Palestine, as the book thoroughly demonstrates, both entities define it and live on existential terms. Specifically, for Palestinians, “conflict” is existential because it affects the right to lead a dignified life at the individual level and guides the right to an independent, fully sovereign state at the political level. The Israelites have these rights, and their focus is to keep them safe. The focus of the Palestinians is to secure the right to have these rights in the first place. Therefore, without the Palestinian state, there would be no real “resolution” to the conflict, no permanent regional stability, and no end to the expression of violent or non-violent Palestinian self-determination.
The point of convergence between the three Abrahamic faiths
More importantly, the issue of Israel and Palestine is not defined by today’s religion, despite Israel’s continued framework of rights to Jerusalem in religious terms. Essentially, there are more points of convergence between the three Abrahamian faiths than divergence. Johnny captures this appropriately, explaining Munger Square in Bethlehem. On one hand there is a pub with the Nativity Church, with the second Islam caliph, Umar ibn al-Khatab, on the other, Umar ibn al-Khatab, Christians, Muslims and Jews relaxing. In the middle of the Jews.
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When Johnny explains his interactions with Iranian diplomats and officials in Tehran, what stands out is the difference between Shia theocratic Iranian sects (Shia/Sunni), which are Shia theocratic, sporadically. This is the difference between Hamas, the Sunni Islamist movement that made the anti-Siah statement. It was fully shining in the “resistance” of the Iranian government against Lingua Franca and Israel. Rather, Jerusalem’s unity power is presented as a time-tested adhesive. And given the intensive and extensive collaboration between Iran and Hamas, that’s a lot. The periphery of religious or sectarian logic in resistance to Israel’s actions in Palestine is also evident in Jewish criticism of the actions of IDFs around the world, including Holocaust survivors. This is in direct contrast to the anti-Semitic accusations that the Israeli government is on a level in all criticism. This direct hand was in Washington, DC’s constitutional rule in July 2024, when Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was led to the US Congress with a standing ovation, vowing to fight to “a perfect victory” and called for his allegation. . The country was committed to genocide anti-Semuseum. But outside, we saw a crowd of protesters led by members of the Red Shirt for the Jewish Voice, an organization that is unrelenting at the end of the Palestinian rights and Israeli invasion.
Israel and its western allies must recognize that the Palestinian state can inevitably bring lasting stability to Western Asia. Given the Israeli and Palestinian issues, it has a overwhelming focus on the broader war in West Asia with Iran as a major threat. As Johnny argues, Iran became a major Palestine force only after the peace process failed and the Arab countries looked away. Can’t you wonder if Iran is being significantly separated from Palestine through coercion or cooperation, then it will not leave the void again? And if this vacuum is filled by states such as Türkiye, a member of NATO, will Israel be safer?
Within Gaza, Hamas has replenished the strength of his fighter jets despite 15 months of Israeli military action. Comment from. And in his book, Johny offers all the reasons. As he argues, “It was not Palestinian radicalism that (historically) hindered peace.” Rather, it is the lack of peace and continued occupation of Israel’s Palestinian territory that strengthened the radicalism of Palestinian Islamism. ”
Bashir Ali Abbas is a senior researcher at the Strategic and Defense Research Council, New Delhi.