February 16th, 2025 09:08 AM IST
Bittu (Bhagwant) said Mann had pledged to eliminate illegal agent networks in Punjab. “What’s going on today? When deportation came, he should have resigned as a commercial
Railroad Union Minister Ravneet Singh Bitu, who criticized Prime Minister Bhagwant Mann for politicizing on deportation from the US, said there was no problem with US military aircraft landing in Amritsar.

“When the first flight came, both Mann and Arvind Kejwal were campaigning in Delhi and didn’t talk about this issue. Now, they are under the plan made after the election blunder. We are making such a statement: What is the problem with the aircraft landing in Punjab? We, Punjavis, are protecting the entire country. People from other states have also arrived here If they are like our sons and daughters. We put ourselves in the poor light. Who is losing our honor? Instead, people from other states are exiled They are praising Punjab for responding to and sharing their sadness. Punjavis is amazing,” Bitt said.
Bittu (Bhagwant) said Mann had pledged to eliminate illegal agent networks in Punjab. “What’s going on today? When deportation came, he should have resigned as a commercial. He creates that atmosphere in the state that we’ll see the opposite movement. He said: Who forced the young people to choose to go to the US at the expense of £500,000 rupees through the loba route. They are not getting employment in Punjab,” Bitu said.