Photo: microchip technology
Microchip Technology has introduced a second-generation low noise chip scale atomic attack (LN-CSAC) model SA65-LN. It has a low profile height and has a wide temperature range, so it provides low -level noise and atomic clock stability in a challenging environment.
Chip -scale atomic clocks (CSAC) are accurate and stable when the conventional atomic clock is unrealistic for size or power constraints, or that satellite -based reference may not be reliable. We will provide you.
The SA65-LN with Microchip’s evacuated miniature crystal oscillator (EMXO) technology provides a major advances in the oscillator design. This compact device provides impressive performance with a profile height of less than 0.5 inches, a power consumption of less than 295 mw, a range of operating temperature from -40 ° C to +80 ° C. With these enhanced specifications, SA65-LN is an ideal option for a wide range of air univers and defense applications. It is particularly suitable for mobile radar systems, dropped wireless, IED obstruction devices, autonomous sensor network, and unmanned vehicles.
The LN-CSAC combines a single device to a crystal oscillator and an atomic clock to make the low-level noise of 10 Hz <-120 DBC/Hz, and the average Alan deviation (ADEV) stability on a average of 1 second. The time to be provided, and the initial accuracy of ± 0.5 ppb. LN-CSAC also indicates frequency stability due to <0.9 Ppb/MO drift and <± 0.3 ppb maximum temperature induction error. These functions can contribute to the consistency of high -quality signals and the accuracy of atomic levels, extend the mission period, reducing maintenance requirements.