Vitagro Group companies have begun exporting Ukrainian biomethane to the European Union. The group’s biomethane plant, built between 2022 and 2024, began production in September 2024. Previously, the company had injected biomethane into Ukraine’s gas transmission system.
Elle, along with his partner, transported biomethane from the Slovak border in Ukraine to Germany.
On February 7, 2025, for the first time, biomethane produced from 100% livestock waste by Vitagro in Ukraine was exported to Germany with a “test delivery” of 720 MWh (~68,000 m³). The Vitagro plants were expected to produce 3 million m³ (~30,000 mWh) of biomethane per year. This amounts to annual gas consumption for 2,000 German households.
Vitagro is a leader in Ukrainian companies in the sector and was already considering further investment opportunities. The growing demand for sustainable biomethane in the EU has become increasingly attractive to Ukrainian producers and foreign investors, along with rising carbon emission prices. “We are already planning further developments for the biomethane project,” said Serhiy Savchuk, director of investment and business development at Vitagro Group.
The ERU was involved in gas supply, trading and energy solutions in Ukraine and Eastern Europe. Group director Willem Copools commented:
“Thanks to flexible and aggressive market, financial and logistics expertise, the ERU has exploited the full potential of Ukrainian biomethane. This test delivery has led to the acceptance of Ukrainian biomethane in the EU market. I was sure it would help to confirm all the details for that.”
The legal counsel for the producer’s agreement was CMS Cameron McKenna Nabarro Olswang, led by Vitaliy Radchenko.
Ukrainian Deputy Minister of Energy, Mykola Kolisnik said that the first export of Ukrainian biomethane was the result of efforts to harmonize Ukrainian and European law, and that it was important to completely replace Russian gas in the European market. I pointed out that it was a step.
“Today, cooperation in the energy sector with European colleagues is a priority for the government, and such agreements indicate that Ukraine will become a reliable partner in Europe. Ukrainian producers have a database of unions. to operate through,” Kolysnyk said.
Chairman Georgie Jeretzka, Ukrainian Bioenergy Association, said that the first export of biomethane to Europe will open a market that is highly promising for Ukrainian companies, leading Ukraine to ensure European energy independence I believed that it would play a role. “We could be a reliable supplier of biomethane for the European market,” Geletukha said.
Andriy Zhupanyn, author of the law that defined the concept of biomethane and effectively opened up the export potential, says that the production of biomethane in Ukraine and export to foreign markets is supported by numerous lawmakers in the constitution. I emphasized that.
“In an era of war and postwar recovery, Ukraine was aiming to implement as many projects as possible that it could bring foreign currency into the country. The Ukrainian Parliament has not stopped at what has been achieved, and many important decisions have been made. “It was first. For further development of Ukraine’s biomethane market, this was also important to strengthen the energy independence of European partners,” added Zhupanyn.
About Vitagro Energy: A subsidiary of Vitagro Group, which invests in energy and manages the group’s energy assets. The company was founded in 2018 and operated a solar power plant with 15.6 MW, bioethanol production plant and biomethane plant capacity.
Vitagro Group of Companies: Vitagro was one of the largest industrial groups in Ukraine with assets in agriculture, energy, manufacturing, construction and chemical industries. Founded in 1998, it was operated in the Khmelnytskyi, Rivne, Volyn, Ivano-Frankivsk and Kyiv regions. The group managed approximately 90,000 hectares of land and was involved in livestock agriculture, horticulture, renewable energy, fertilizer, combined feed production, construction and building materials production. Vitagro headquarters was located in Khmelnytskyi.