Moscow -Putin frequently declares that Ukraine’s President Voldimiserensky is not a legal leader -ROW behind Kerogg on Monday, Dmitry Pescoff, a Kremlin spokeman, is in Moscow. “The term of President Zelenceky has ended,” he told reporters.
He stated that “justification of Ukrainian leadership” is necessary as part of the peace process.
Kiev is afraid that holding the election at this point will risk Ukraine’s unity and open the country to unstable Russia’s influence.
Kerogg’s remarks, and their quick hugs, enhanced the alarm bell.
Former Ukraine Minister, who was anonymous to freely discuss the delicate theme, told Politico, “I’m worried about the cooperation of Washington and Moscow’s elections,” and said, “Trump and Putin want. I think it is the first evidence of agreeing.
Cremlin did not clarify whether peace negotiations were conditioned by Ukraine elections or that Russia was in mind, but Moscow agreed to the final transaction until political legitimacy was established. I couldn’t. Kerogg was not clear about the end of the election sequence and hostility.