The Wolf of Wall Street (2013): Based on the true story of Jordan Belfort, a wealthy stockbroker, his successful journey into his fall, including crime, the corruption depicted in the film.
The Big Short (2015): Based on a 2010 book by Michael Lewis, 2007-2008 Lehmon Brother Crisis and Real Estate Bubble, showing the US bubble.
Wall Street (1987): The story of a young stockbroker involved in Gordon Gecco (doubles), a wealthy and unscrupulous corporate raider. It covers the period of Great Fear Presion.
Rogue Trader (1999): Nick Leeson (Ewan McGregor), a young man working for a major investment bank, based on a true event. He is sent to Singapore at a bank branch there, trying to hide his losses and flee the country.
Margin Call (2011): Follow key people in investment banks for 24 hours during the early stages of the 2008 financial crisis.
Inside Job (2010): Covers a detailed investigation of the factors that led to the collapse of the 2008 financial crisis and identifies key financial and political players.
Boiler Room (2000): Young people leave university and start working for an investment company. It brings him a lot of success, but the film shows how he gets caught up in corruption and greed.
Bernard Madoff, who created the biggest investment fund in Wizard of Birth (2017), announced the largest Ponzi scheme in history in 2008, leading to the arrest of Madoff, who was later sentenced to 150 years in prison.
Bazaar (2018): Stock trader Rizwan goes to Mumbai and works for Gujarat trader Shakun Kothari, who later becomes a betrayal from his idol.
Gafla (2006): The ordinary guy who would later become a big player in the stock market with Falls fell prey to Rs worth of fraud. 400 crores.
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