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Imagine a bit of the pressure from the coalition government led by the “politics” keya Starmar administration, and surprisingly, it has supported a bill that prohibits lies and deception by politicians.
Imagine this decision is based on the Wales government’s leadership. The Wales government itself had already promised to introduce a bill to prevent politicians and candidates to prevent intentional deception. If you violate it, it may lead to the deprivation of parliamentarians in the election and the ban on candidates.
This measure gains a wide range of people’s support, Westmin Star signed a petition for more than 200,000 people, and an opinion poll supported 72 % of the people in support of this measure. Ta.
Since then, when our political life has switched from deception to truth, something seems to have come. Suddenly, the best people among the politicians in Japan have gained their own voices by showing a realistic vision of hope, rather than winning the enemy. People could still discuss and oppose them, but they were not a form that dualized and reduced the space for listening, learning, adapting, and growing.
The law to prevent politicians’ lies affected both the old and new media. Since then, we have been able to take a break, so we have enjoyed the public debate, and there is a way to negotiate a better future, rather than being able to impose the future of others. I felt it.
As the muscles of the people’s discussions began to strengthen, the movement to seek more broad democracy has become unable to stop. The long -term foaming and brewing movements over the proportional representative system, which has supported reforms by the majority of the Labor Party and the labor union, has finally wiped out the top control and bureaucrats.
As soon as the voting of everyone was counted equally, the distorted effects of a small number of media, a large rich party donor, and a small number of floating votes in a small number of floating seats were lost forever.
At the same time, the number and the Ministry of Finance were gone, and power and funds began to flow into the community as well as regions and parliament. Ironically, the amount of money to actually buy things is decreasing, and people only choose and choose what they wear, rather than just living with consumer treadmills. I thought about how the street and communities are operating and regarded as an active citizen. And the craving for the collective voice was not limited to the public territory, but quickly penetrated companies and companies, and enjoyed the benefits of collaboration and innovation.
In this new level of political competition, ideas such as Universal Basic Income and 4 days a week have quickly established. Investments to renovate all housing in Japan to the highest insulation standards as possible have hundreds of thousands of high -income employment, dramatically reduce utility bills, and aim for the future of this country to zero. I made a big move forward. More time and more safety satisfied the desire for reforms, and the nation began to find their own voices and ways to a good society -as defined, as the late Zigmund Bauman wrote, “It is by no means” it is “. I know it’s not enough. ”
In the week when Donald Trump has become the second United States President, we need to know that we will be able to do something better and better. If you want to stop the tilt to the populist here, you must provide the level of safety and freedom for people to be aware of.
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The above scenario may look like fantasy, but it is not impossible. The Wales Congress has already promised to pass a bill that prohibits politicians’ lies, and public polls show that the people support the bill. The Labor Party and the union have shifted to the proportional representation system, with multiple politics. Companies around the world have begun to realize that working four days a week can lead to improved productivity and employees’ happiness. Universal income has been tried, and as a result, it has been shown that people are doing much more in terms of volunteer activities, training, education, and care.
A small strategic step can create a big and bold change. We understand that our work is not to provide us, but to prepare the conditions for releasing ourselves and changing the world together. It is a political class. A political class with an immutable motto that says, “I should do what I can’t do today tomorrow.”
This is not a person, but a politics that is performed by people. This is a realistic politics in the best sense of words, and its direction is certain, but the path is open, and building the power of democracy and democracy navigates the path and disability. I am always convinced that it is the only way to overcome. People who do not want to be free and safe.
Why isn’t Japan so that all countries can do to the world, but that’s the first step? “The True Streeper’s trial is not a convincing despair, but a hopeful,” said Wales’ cultural theorist Raymond William.