This is a question asked by Apple iPhone and Google Android users around the world. What is your smartphone? … (+)
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This is a question asked by Apple iPhone and Google Android users around the world. “Is your smartphone listening to you?”
It’s no wonder some people have questions about the eavesdropping capabilities of iPhones and Android devices. After all, there are countless reports of people having a conversation about a particular product and then immediately seeing an ad for the exact same product.
And many people believe their smartphones are spying on them, a new survey by comparison website Compare and Recycle has found. Research shows that one in three people believe they can and do hear audio on their iPhone or Android device.
“One of the main ways our phones hear us is through voice assistant software built into many modern devices, such as Siri and Google Assistant,” Compare and Recycle experts say. is writing. “To understand our voices and requests, we need to listen to us as accurately as possible and for long periods of time. This means that they are listening to our conversations, even when we don’t realize it. That means.”
Additionally, some apps “hide sneaky clauses in their terms of service that allow access to mobile microphones and, as a result, conversations while using the app.” This information may be sold to third parties to more accurately promote products, Compare and Recycle said.
Experts say to protect your privacy, always check the terms and conditions for hidden provisions before pressing accept.
Apple hits back at Siri claims
Claims that the Siri voice assistant is listening to private conversations have Apple concerned. On January 8, the iPhone maker posted a statement on its website pushing back against claims that Siri is eavesdropping on conversations.
“Apple has never used Siri data to build marketing profiles, used it for advertising, or sold it to anyone for any purpose,” Apple wrote. are. “We are constantly developing and will continue to develop technology to make Siri even more private.”
This comes after the iPhone maker agreed to pay out in a lawsuit alleging that Siri is eavesdropping on Apple users. By making the payment, Apple is not admitting wrongdoing, but the iPhone maker hopes to save on expensive legal fees.
In 2019, Apple made some changes to its privacy settings and stopped using outside contractors. It turns out that the voice assistant was transcribing private Siri recordings when it was accidentally activated.
Can an iPhone or Android smartphone hear your voice?
This technology can be used to listen to users, but in most markets doing so without consent would violate strict data privacy regulations.
Still, your iPhone or Android device doesn’t need to hear it. Regardless, it contains a ton of data about you. “The truth is, they no longer need to listen to our conversations to know about our habits, hobbies and life choices,” says Jake Moore, global cybersecurity advisor at ESET. “Their algorithms can determine a lot about us before a single word is spoken.”
Moore said that by analyzing your data, big tech companies like Apple and Google can tell you whether you’re single, employed, have children, pets, or a car. It is said that you can learn about their clothing style, hobbies, future interests, and more. “They can even make educated guesses about what you’re going to buy next, before you even think about it. Data is a currency in itself, and billions when sold to advertisers. It’s worth the dollar amount. We need to limit the data we freely give out.”
If you’re still concerned, you can also turn off the microphone for each app, advises Moore. “But I don’t think it will change much.”
Compare and Recycle experts also advise disabling your phone’s microphone: “Go to settings and remove microphone access for apps that don’t require audio.”
Additionally, you can increase your privacy by turning off your phone’s voice assistant, keeping your iPhone software up to date (currently iOS 18.2.1), and using antivirus software on your device.
It’s no wonder that some people worry that their iPhone or Android device is being tapped. There are other settings you can enable to lock your voice assistant. But privacy on your device goes much deeper than that, including what you type into Google and the data you unknowingly share on Facebook and Instagram.