Mumbai: Mumbai -based financial service Guru Motillal OsoL wants to withdraw the home financing business and has a housing finance company on blocks.
This development has been increasing the number of transactions in affordable housing spaces from both private equity investors and major markets for the past few months.
MOTILAL OSWAL has appointed Investment Bank AVENDUS CAPITAL to find a potential buyer.
The group holding MOTILAL OSWAL FINANCIAL SERVICES LTD has 97.49 % of the MOTILAL OSWAL HOME FINANCE, now a household subsidiary.
I didn’t know how much I got, but the AADHAR HOUSING FINANCIER, Aptus Value Housing Finance India, and HOME FIRST FINANCE Parting Is traded in 2.8. 3.9 times book value or net assets.
According to data from CRISIL, Motillal OSWAL’s housing finance business had a net asset of standalone. £As of March 31, 2024, 1,290 crawls. The peer evaluation indicates the calculation of the envelope. £With 3,612 crawls £5,031 crawl.
“There is no development of MOTILAL OSWAL HOAL HOME FINANCE LTD (MOHFL) business sales development.”
Spokesman continued to evaluate various business opportunities as part of a continuous strategic effort, and added, “If there is such a specific development in the future, we will tell you a relevant renewal.”
The e -mail sent to AVENDUS remained unprecedented until the press time.
The affordable housing lenders were operated as Aspire Home Finance Corp. in 2014, and were renamed Motillal OSWAL HOME FINANCE in 2019. As of June 30, 2024, there was a loan book. £According to CRISIL, 4,098 crawls. So was the size of the loan book £4,048 crawl on March 31, 2024.
In the past, the lender had a problem with the quality of assets. In August 2021, a rating agency ICRA pointed out that in fiscal 2019, the lender’s defective assets (NPA) had risen to 9.2 % of the loan. “Motilal OSWAL Group has implemented some remedies, such as enhancing systems and processes, management support, increased monitoring, and injecting capital, and emphasized commitment to venture.”
Later, the quality of the assets improved, and the total NPA ratio fell from 2.1 % to 1.3 % from September 30, 2024, from September 30, 2023 to 2.1 %. 1.3 % and 1.25 %, respectively, as on September 30, 2024.
CRISIL RATINGS, on the other hand, believes that Motilal OSWAL HOME FINANCE remains strategically important for Motilal Oswal Financial Services. “It gives a diversity to the profitable profile and reduces the effectiveness of a capital market company.”
In September 2024, CRISIL has positively revised the outlook on the non -converted bonds of Motillal OSWAL HOME FINANCE from Stable.
Rising trading activities
The decision to put a business on blocks occurs when private equity investors are interested in affordable housing business.
For example, the Schillram Finance sold 84.44 % of the Shrillum Housing Finance to the Warberg Affiliate, Mango Crest Investment. £3,929 crawl in December 2024. Later, the company was changed to Truhome Finance.
Later, EQT Partners acquired 100 % of the Indo Star Home Finance in September 2024. Previously, CVC Capital Partners had acquired 26.47 % of Aavas Financiers listed in August 2024 and caused control open offer.
Other private investors, such as Ta Associates, Prosus Ventures, Norwest Venture Partners, and Multiples, are investing in minorities. These include investment in Vastu Houseing Finance, VRIDHI FINSERV HOME FINANCE, and SHUBHAM HOUSING FINANCE.
In this segment, two large IPOs (initial open call for initial recruitment) were seen last year. At least some housing finance companies, including AADHAR HOUSING FINANCE, are located from the sales process supporting public markets for advantageous evaluation. In addition to AADHAR, Bajaj Housing Finance was also released last year.
Effective prices are bright places
Experts continue to be a bright place supported by rapid urbanization, increased migration to cities, and growing middle classes, and continues to be a high growth segment. He said that he was highly sex.
“This is especially attractive for non -banks, given the limited penetration of large -scale banks that enable HFCS (housing finance companies) to create attractive risk -adjusted yields,” he said. Prakash Agarwal, a partner of the advisory company GEFION CAPITAL ADVISORS.
According to Agalwal, the sector’s outlook remains positive in the long term, providing a sustainable growth to segment players.
“As a result, this sector supports many aspects that are looking for a large -scale address, long -term outlook, strong visibility, decent profits, and regulation support. You can attract capital, “Agalwal said.
Mint reported on December 28 on how a mortgage lender is trying to provide funds in an affordable house behind a strict competition with a major housing space bank.
India’s affordable mortgage market £13 trillion containing HFC £6.9 trillion and bank share £6.2 trillion. According to the Data Data, quoted in December in a joint report from the industry’s lobby body CII and real estate consultant Night Frank.