Jonathan Power*
Lund in Sweden | February 11, 2025 (IDN) – War over Ukraine? That shouldn’t be the case. Some of us believed at the end of the 1991 Cold War, American and Soviet nuclear rockets would be left to rust and corrupt in silos. Certainly, we actually saw Ukraine, where the Soviets made most of their rockets and made many of them (who says Ukraine has no navel ties with Russia? ). More praise than that.
Presidents Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan and George HW Bush have done quite a bit to do nuclear disarmament. At the summit in Iceland, Reagan and Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev panicked most of their advisors and Western commentators when they almost agreed to complete nuclear disarmament. Only the false tenacity in requiring research into the “Star Wars” anti-missile system (it didn’t work), the “Star Wars” anti-missile system that Gorbachev doesn’t want to agree to, perhaps Politics Bo will fear that it will reach scope against him since the evidence that the US has suspended this research, it will be difficult to prevent the agreement. Both sides were equally at fault for what could have been a historic opportunity.
There is little to do with disarmament
Despite the rhetoric and bear embrace of Russia’s first president, President Boris Yeltsin, President Bill Clinton achieved little on the disarmament front. His successor, George W. Bush, did more than that, instead of dismantling them, he put his weapons in storage. Hope focused on Barack Obama, who was chosen to start his presidency to win the Nobel Peace Prize. Aside from the initial agreement with Russia, the superpower’s long-range rockets have been reduced from 2,200 warheads to 1,500-k each, but in a critical number it would be 1,500-k, but the majority of civilizations Obama was able to do something valuable because it was enough to blow up. It wasn’t his fault.
The resistance from Congress to ratify the agreement was immeasurable, with only a promise to spend $80 billion to modernize the nuclear force. Even George W. Bush Jr.’s plan to base an anti-ballistic missile system on Polish soil to stop Iranian missiles was slightly revised by Obama due to Republican resistance. It was an attempt to meet legitimate Russian concerns about being used to intercept Russian attacks. This requires even more American compromises. This remains a problem, such as moving the site to Romania, getting closer to Iran, moving further from Moscow, finding ways to share the system’s running and control.
The next stage of the disarmament process
Turning the page, the United States has not ratified a comprehensive nuclear test ban treaty that will help to block further spread of nuclear weapons to other countries. With new nuclear forces, if they can’t test them, you don’t know if there’s a viable bomb.
The next step in the disarmament process is to remove short-range tactical nuclear-tip missile bases in Europe. Moscow claims that the first step must be the US, which removes all tactical weapons from Europe, given its proximity to Moscow. It’s as if Russia has a rocket base in Mexico. The last major cut was made in the days of Obama and President Dimitri Medvedev when it came to reducing the number of Intercontinental rockets. Biden renewed his contract, but no current disarmament talks are planned.
All of this leads to very few nuclear disarmament. Without a doubt, the US Senate will be the steady brake on Donald Trump, as before President Barack Obama. In his first term, Donald Trump wanted to upgrade the US armory of nuclear missiles. (How can anyone say that President Trump was in Vladimir Putin’s pocket?) As for Russians, he has observed the power of the US Senate, and perhaps refused to refuse to approve the new treaty. , stop suggesting that you start negotiations.
34 years since the end of the Cold War
But what about 34 years after the Cold War, which side can justify nuclear weapons? Is Russia an enemy or isn’t it? Successive US presidents say this is no longer the case. President Ronald Reagan, George HW Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Barack Obama, Donald Trump and Joe Biden say that they look alive today, but not. Masu.
The Russians say the same thing about the US and Europe. Putin had recently called him “our friend.” However, it is true that non-enemies do not direct nuclear weapons at each other. At least that’s what basic morality and common sense say.
At the end of the Cold War, nuclear weapons should have been allowed to rust. Many people in the West probably wanted the majority, but large media outlets, Republican lawmakers and senators, the military (but not all), national security work, intelligence reporting agencies, some Those who earned a living, including scholars, had successfully fought to replenish nuclear weapons. There were several powerful voices against nuclear weapons, such as former Henry Kissinger’s former secretary and George Schultz, but they couldn’t resist the tide.
Take a little back and look at the situation from above. —Remember how the Earth looks like a small dot from the photograph sent to Earth by Rocket Voiceser 1 as you cross the outer edge of the solar system. Certainly, we should not be torn apart by each other as it is not so important in the universe. Maybe we took it too seriously. But for the first 30 years after the Cold War, it seemed we were moving at least in the right direction.
There is no longer a dangerous ideological division. Prime Minister Nikita Khrushchev once said, “We will bury you.” No more stories like that. Communism is no longer a dominant ideology in Russia, but is supported by a ruthless police state engraved on a slight opposition. Russia is now becoming a capitalist despite human rights issues. In the pre-Covid era, the boundaries were open, but they are still for those moving south. Christian religion and its moral teachings are for most Europeans.
Shared culture
Americans and Russians are the foundations of shared cultures, including ethical rules and art in everyday life, including literature, theatre, ballet, opera, and popular music. I think 80% of Russian social and criminal laws are similar to those in the West. Spending time with Russian family at home or at work, you will see what I mean.
Russia is even worse, but not so much when it comes to human rights surveillance. The torture and death of Sergei Magnitsky, a businessman who exposed serious corruption in Russian society 15 years ago, became a hot issue on Capitol Hill. Congress decided to be in a tough state on Russia, imposing sanctions for the first time since the Cold War ended.
But this is not as serious as the serial human rights abuses committed by white Americans, including police officers against black victims. Much more innocent and petty criminals are trapped in America more than Russia. Russians are angry that the US regularly intervene in their internal affairs, whilst failing to clean their homes.
The media is primarily controlled by the Putin regime, but Moscow allows for independent radio stations. The internet is free. The same applies to foreign broadcasting. Apart from Moscow, there are plenty of small but rather free local papers and broadcasters as well. If the Russians want to know what is going on, they can easily be found. In the West, instead of government dictatts, there is a Baron Press, who drives personal or corporate agendas. Exceptions like the Guardian, Le Monde and the Christian Science Monitor have relatively small cycles. (The BBC is owned by the government, but despite national security issues, it is able to maintain high-class, independent reporting and commentary.
So, what is it about? Why are events on Ukraine’s independence allowing the Warriors to get out of our control where they call the shot? The loose talk of bringing nuclear-armed Russian submarines near the US coast in Moscow is useless. There are also no current deployments of similar US submarines in the Black Sea.
Both Putin and Biden claim they are practicing Christians, so I think when they meet their makers they kill hundreds of millions of people, or a lot of our city Ask them how can you de-manage the nuclear weapon you used or explain why you held or used them? Quite right, we are supposed to be afraid of God and His wrath. Christ taught us to love our enemies.
Would the US and Russia not want to set an example for other parts of the world, as well as their obligations sworn under the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty? After all, the goose sauce might say Gander is Iranian and the Middle Eastern people who emulate Iran if it becomes nuclear. Is the US ready to fix the spread of NATO to the Russian border that nearly 100% of Russians are angry and that caused Russia’s invasion of Ukraine?
Is Putin ready to give more freedom to media and NGO activists and protesters, including the release of political prisoners from prison? Are they both ready to launch major new cuts to nuclear weapon stockpile?
The tram is already checked by the incompatible forces around him. Probably the same as Putin. Therefore, the world is being checked. What a frightening crisis in Ukraine. (idn-indepthnews)
Copyright©2025 Jonathan Power
Image source: Civilisable