The findings suggest potential vulnerabilities in America’s fifth-generation stealth technology, and are making a major leap in China’s pursuit of anti-access/regional deniability capabilities.
The team discovered that the jet’s radar absorbent coating and exterior are cooled to an average of 281 degrees Kelvin (7.85 degrees Celsius or 46 Fahrenheit), effectively masking from traditional detection, and the engine exhaust plume reaches nearly 1,000 Kelvin. did. The infrared rays of the waves are three orders of magnitude stronger than the aircraft.
Focusing on the 2.8-4.3 micrometer wavelength range with minimal atmospheric interference, the unmanned airship hovering at 20km by deploying a mercury cadmium-telluride detector and a 300mm aperture telescopic telescopic type, is the rear thermal of the F-35. The signature can be separated by more than 1,800km. When the aircraft is viewed from the side or from behind.
However, due to the reduced forward thermal profile of the stealth jet, detection from the front remained limited to 350km.