When the family moves to a decades-old smart home and reinvigorates Cassandra, a dormant robotic housekeeper, they become fresh targets of her sinister motivations. Will this mid-century AI system succeed in making new residents the best family for the painting, regardless of cost? Cassandra, a psychological thriller series created by Benjamin Gucche (all you need), stars Lavinia Wilson, Mina Tunder and Michael Krammer.
When will Cassandra be released?
Stream all six episodes now.
Where is the trailer for Cassandra?
Please check it out at the top of this page.

Who is in the cast of Cassandra?
Lavinia Wilson as Cassandra (Billion dollar code). That consciousness was uploaded to the smart home AI Systemmina Tander (Berlin station), and Samira, Sculptor Maicha Elkrammemer (teacher’s lounge) is a crime novelist, and Samira’s Hajjoshua Kantara (Hunger Games: Songbird) and ballad of snakes) as Finn, Samira, David’s teenage Sommarie Tellur (Viewandeplus), Juno, Samira, David’s young daughter Hartwig (dark), scientist, Hadgias Grinal (Tattort) and Cassandra’s son

What will happen to Cassandra?
The first German smart homes have been in the sky since the 1980s, but are finally living there again. Samira (Tander) moves in with her husband David (Krammar) and their two children, Finn (Kantala) and Juno (Telluru), after the tragedy gets too close to their previous home. Luckily, when they rebuild their lives, they have the help of adapting to their new home: an AI named Cassandra that helps them cook, clean, and even see the kids Home system. In fact, she sees everything that’s going on here. Before Cassandra’s consciousness was uploaded to this smart home computer, she lived miserably with her son and her whimsical husband. Now, Cassandra will do whatever it takes to drive Samira out.
Is Cassandra based on a book?
No, it’s an original script.

Where does Cassandra happen?
The series takes place somewhere in the German suburbs. It was photographed in Cologne, Germany.

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