Captain America: Brave New World is the next movie in the MCU. It is the third film in the series, following “The Avengers” and “Thor,” an extension of the trilogy, and the first Captain America movie without Chris Evans. The film, directed by Julius Ona, depicts the conflict between the new captain, Sam Wilson, and the new U.S. president, Thaddeus Ross, aka Red Hulk.
The film is set to reach a unique milestone by becoming the first film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) to be released on Valentine’s Day. While superhero movies have traditionally been limited to the summer and holiday seasons, Brave New World takes an unconventional path by aiming to capitalize on the day of romance. But despite the release date, it’s hard to imagine there’s much romance in the movie.
Captain America 4 is the first MCU movie to be released on Valentine’s Day
Captain America: Brave New World is scheduled for February 14, 2025. Releasing on Valentine’s Day may seem like an odd choice for a major superhero movie, but it’s not unheard of. Two Marvel movies, Daredevil (2003) and Madame Web (2024), took advantage of this date. Additionally, Black Panther (2018) and Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumia (2023) were released the weekend after Valentine’s Day, but not on Valentine’s Day.
This makes Captain America 4 the first MCU movie to be released on Valentine’s Day. The previous two Marvel movies released on this date did poorly. Ben Affleck starred in Daredevil (2003). A small number of fans liked the film, but the consensus was less than stellar, with an IMDb rating of 5.3. Madame Web did even worse critically, with an IMDb score of 4.0 and a below-average box office performance.
Marvel is hoping to break that curse with Captain America: Brave New World. According to Epicstream, the film was made on a huge budget of approximately $350 million. Therefore, it will need to be a huge success at the box office to prove financially beneficial for the MCU.
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