The Union Minister of Finance Nirmara Citaraman’s 2025-26 budget has three political pitches. It is a few days before Delhi’s income bracket decreases significantly to the middle class, vote for parliamentary polls, and fixes the awareness that the government is a government. I only work for a group that is not. This focuses on the coalition politics and elections in the context of Bihar, which is going to a poll in the latter half of this year. And it is outlett to farmers in 100 districts, which are low in productivity nationwide.
This income group has long been considered a BJP protection area. However, recently, the SOP of competition for the poor has begun to dominate political discourse throughout the political parties, and it is aware that the gaining relative benefits of tax paid by the middle class will also hear the disaster. there is.
Citaraman’s budget breaks the past to provide a large tax cut to the middle class of salary. Zero income tax slabs up to 120,000 lupigers cover the largest section of the domestic salary class.
Tax slabs were fixed to provide zero taxes up to RS 4 Lakh, but from 5 % to RS 4 Lakh to RS 8 Lakh, 10 % of RS 8 Lakh and RS 12 Lakh taxes. However, the government has provided a rebate to ensure them, unless the capital gain tax is charged, the income up to 12 rupees is 12 rupees and the income tax is not paid.
The Minister of Finance explained the provisions, such as “a new system with a 120,000 -lupis revenue will benefit the tax of 80,000 (100 % of the tax paid according to the existing tax rate).” 。 The middle class acknowledged seven times and their contributions as “economic engines.” “The middle class gives power to the growth of India. Under the guidance of Prime Minister Modi, the government has always believed in the energy and abilities that deserve the praise of the middle class in the national building,” Citalaman said. Ta.
This was a co -speech in Congress, eight times on the middle class, the next day after layout government policies.
And this is that the campaign in Delhi has been a dispute for the middle class voting, and the AAM AADMI party issued a “middle class manifest”, and how the plan is in this income group. We will tell you how BJP reaches them out and how to reach them. Includes the speech of Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
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Prior to his budget session, Modi suggested that his budget would benefit the poor and the middle class. He states: “Prior to the budget session, I’m succumbing to Maa Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth and prosperity. I hope Maa Lakshmi will continue to bless the poor with the poor in our country.”
Note that the government will present such a budget in the year of the election, the advanced BJP leader Sanjay Jayswal says: The year is a big step. As a result, people have the money spent in various sectors. Today’s budget is taking care of both low -income and middle class. “
The BJP leader and former Minister of Allies Radi -F Chandrase Karl stated: It is also focusing on multiple years reform and change as a way to benefit people. “
Apart from the middle class, Citaraman stated that the budget proposal was poor, focusing on young people, farmers and women.
Bial outreach
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Biard will participate in the voting in the latter half of this year, and the NDA Allies, which are located in the state -based party, Janata Dal (United) and LJP (Lam Villas), and Citaraman is another reference of Mishiritar (North Birth). Apart from that, I spoke to Biard six times in a speech. And mainly the destination related to the Buddha in the eastern area adjacent to Biard and the state.
The promise made for the state within the budget is that as part of “PURVODAYA” (the rise of eastern India), the establishment of the National Food Technology Institute in Bihar, the establishment of entrepreneurs, and management, and filled with food processing activities. Includes things to provide things and strengthen your income. Farmers and young people with skills. Other promises are the expansion of the Bihar’s Makana Committee, the Greenfield Airport in the state, and the Patna Airport.
This budget also promises support for Mithinanchal’s western KOSI canal project and increase infrastructure in IIT PATNA.
Jisewal, a MP of Pasim Champa Palan in Biard, called Biard’s “special budget” and interpreted some individual results of these measures. Koshi is called Biard’s sadness for the threat of floods every year.
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The Makana Board is attractive to the state because it accounts for about 85 % of Makana production in India. The Board is expected to be useful for marketing products for product marketing, to promote production, processing, and additional value.
The airport pitch and the extension of IIT PATNA are composed of immigrants, and are targeted at the BJP voting bank, which is a small ambitious middle class.
Congress, given the BJP’s important allies, tried to play with the absence of Andra Pladesh on a budget. According to Gilam Ramesh, “Biard seems to have a jackpot of the presentation. It is natural because the election is held in the second half of the year, but why other pillars of NDA, that is, Andhra Pradesh is very cruelly ignored. Did you do it?
“Is it the budget of the Bihar State government? Or the budget of the Indian government! Have you ever heard the names of other states in the Finance Minister’s Speech?”
Farmers’ outreach
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The budget has been dealt with the farmers, but the productivity is low, the strength of the crop is gentle, there is a credit parameter below average, and 100 for the purpose of encouraging the diversification of crops, after harvesting, the credit clause, and irrigation. It focuses on the district. The budget stated that the plan (named Dan Danya Klisisi Yojana) helps 1.7 -collar farmers.
Citalaman also has a subsidy xyck -credit card (KCC) loan restrictions from RS 5 Lakh to 7 Rarks, and the “Rural Prosperity and Resilience” programs to deal with unemployment in rural areas, and high -yield pests. We have announced the promotion of research on the development of resistance. , And a seed that is sensitive to the climate.