New Delhi: At the latest economic survey, the latest economic survey needs to prioritize the use of investment, rather than simply increasing the amount of money, at a time when growth slows down and the government’s own capital investment is lower than the budget. I say that there is.
The economic survey 2024-25, which was submitted by the Finance Minister of Finance on Friday and prepared by Chief Economic Advisor V. Anantha Nagewaran, can grow in the Indian economy in a ratio of 6.3-6.8 % this year. I predicted that it was high.
However, India also acknowledged that it needed to grow to more than 8 % (at least 10 years “to achieve economic desires. In order to support India’s growth, the survey has conventional wisdom. He said that it was aimed at an increase in investment.
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“In order to achieve sustainable rises in living standards, the Indian economy needs to grow about 8 % every year for at least 10 years,” says the document. “In order to achieve this growth, it is necessary to increase the investment rate from about 31 % of the current level to about 35 % of GDP.”
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The statistical appendix presented alongside the economic survey was between 30.7 % to 30.1 %, 30.7 % to 30.1 % in 2022, from 2024 to 2013. It was expected to decrease to the annual low. 23 and 30.8 % from 2023 to 2014.
This document did not provide any division from the 2023-24 and 2024-25 private sector and the government.
Also read: India grows 6.3-6.8 % in FY2016: Economic Survey
“Transition of the world economy … reconsideration”
The survey also pointed out that the scenario was changed. This should promote this reconsideration of this conventional strategy.
“The global economy is currently shifting to a stage where the existing basic policy lever, which was once valid, could no longer be applied,” said the survey. “The focus of policy drafting has changed worldwide around the world.”
It adds an open trade, a pre -promise of a globalized world with the free flow of capital and technology, and may be behind us. Maybe. “It’s as welcomed and unhappy as reality,” said the economic survey.
In this new reality, he noted that this document did not suggest that India is approaching the world, but has said that the expectation of external sector contribution to India’s economic growth must be realistic. 。 Instead, India had to strengthen efforts on the domestic front.
“It means increasing investment efficiency for economic growth rather than increasing investment rates,” said the survey. “Investment efficiency is improved by reducing the time until investment is generated and increasing production per investment.”
According to the report, coordinating actions that span multiple sides of the Indian regulatory framework were required. These are to evaluate the actual or true cost of regulations, liberalize standards and management to reduce or delete these costs, and for citizens and companies. Includes policy designs aimed at reducing the cost of doing business.
“India must pursue economic growth by accepting policy measures to strengthen economic freedom. In other words, the ability to hinder citizens who pursue legal economic and entrepreneurial desires.” And the survey was added.
(Edited by Tikli Basu)
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