According to Google, drugs developed by Alphabet’s drug discovery subsidiary and designed by artificial intelligence are expected to head into trials by the end of the year (google-0.74%) Executive.
“AI applied to science is much richer than just language model“Google Deepmind CEO Demis Hassabis and Isomorphic Labs Founder panel At the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland on Tuesday.
“We hope to have AI-designed drugs in clinics by the end of the year. That’s the plan,” he added.
The four-year-old isomorphic lab was spun out of DeepMind as an independent subsidiary under Alphabet in 2021. July, that Transactions announced Eli Lilly & Co. Engage in research in (lly+1.23%) and Novartis (NVS+1.85%) to take advantage of AI technology, i.e. Alphafoldthat model predict 3D structure of proteins – discover therapeutics against multiple targets.
“We’re looking at oncology, cardiovascular, neurodegeneration, all the big disease areas. I think we’ll have the first drug by the end of this year.” told the Financial Times on tuesday.
But they’re not the only companies working on AI-designed drugs. I’m interested in leveraging AI to help discover new treatments quickly boom.
“Developing new antibiotics quickly requires a huge amount of public health,” said Professor James Zou of Stanford University, who used generative AI to help with the structures and chemical recipes for six drugs. said last year.
“Our hypothesis was that there are many potential molecules that could become effective drugs, but we have not yet created or tested them,” he added. “That’s why we wanted to use AI to design completely new molecules that have never been seen in nature.”
Insilico Medicine, a Hong Kong-based startup with offices in New York and Boston; became the first company AI-designed drugs will be sent to clinical trials in 2023.
The drug, INS018_055, is designed to treat I.D.Iopathic pulmonary fibrosis, most common type Pulmonary fibrosis, a disease that causes scarring of the lungs. According to the UK, there is currently no cure for the disease national health service. No trial yet in progressbut Insilico in November said top-line results from its study showed positive results.
Earlier this month, in silico release The positive top line is the result of a 2-phase 1 phase 1 trial of an AI-designed drug aimed at helping people with inflammatory bowel disease. The startup also said researchers used an AI-driven platform to identify potential treatments. endometriosis.