According to the New York Post, the Russian singer, who was accused of donating to Ukrainian troops and calling Putin a “idiot,” died through a window shortly after a police attack on his apartment.
Vadim Stroykin, accused of supporting the Ukrainian army, faced up to 20 years in prison for alleged ties to terrorist groups. Police attacked an apartment in St. Petersburg in the Admiraltesky area on Wednesday as part of an ongoing investigation. According to news outlet Fontanka, Stroykin was last alive on the 10th floor and stepped into the kitchen for water before he was told he would be leaving his death by opening the window.
Anti-war advocate and a solid critic of the Ukrainian war, Stroykin repeatedly defeated Putin and the Kremlin on social media.
“This idiot (Putin) declared a war with his people, just like his brother country,” he wrote in a 2022 post on the vkontakte social media platform. “I don’t want him to die. I want to see him go to prison and put him in prison.”
Stroykin was born in the Urals. He graduated from the UK School of Journalism and began working for Yekaterinburg, the radio station Ekho Moskvy. He founded a guitar school, where he taught and learned music himself.
According to Nypost, Stroykin is one of the newest Putin critics who fall through windows and lose a mysterious death. Russian ballet dancer Vladimir Skryarov – an outspoken critic of the war – mysteriously entered his death from the fifth floor of the building last November. Russian authorities initially labelled Fall as an accident and denounced the painkillers they were taking before complicated spinal surgery.
The dancer’s death came after he also assaulted him on social media and publicly declared that “I am against the war in Ukraine.”