One week ago, Openai has released a tool that allows you to book online shopping and reservations for restaurants. Currently, we collect information from the entire Internet and provide AI technology that can synthesize it with a concise report.
Openai has shown technology to members of Washington, policy, and other officials, demonstrated on YouTube on Sunday, and announced a new tool called Deep Research.
“You can execute a complex research task that can take 30 to 30 days,” said Kevin Weil, Openai’s highest product, at an event in Washington. In contrast, deep research can achieve such a task in 5-30 minutes according to complexity.
Artificial intelligence researchers call this kind of technology an AI agent. Chatbots answer questions, write poems, and generate images, but agents can use other software and services on the Internet. This may include anything from ordering dinner via Doordash to integration of information from the entire Internet.
During Capitol Hill’s briefing, Wil shows the technology to collect information about Albert Einstein. He asked for a tool to summarize a detailed report on physicists for Congress Senate, who is preparing for Hearing for Congress, Einstein, who is a candidate for the US Energy Secretary.
In addition to providing information about Einstein’s background and personality, we have generated five questions that Senator can ask physicists to judge whether they are suitable for work.
“It can surf the web and understand text, images and PDFs,” said Wyle. “And this can be done recursive. You can do one search, it leads to other searches, which can synthesize all the information you have learned.”
Weil stated that the report generated by the tool contains a quotation indicating the location where the information was found. However, such AI technology may even make mistakes or configure information. It is a phenomenon called “hallucinations” by AI researchers. This may mean providing incorrect quotes.
Openai states that this tool may be struggling to distinguish between prestigious information and rumors, and often cannot tell accurately if it is uncertain about the information provided. Ta.
Nevertheless, Weil argued that the tool would help the United States to accelerate economic growth. He added that this tool is especially useful for people in fields such as finance, science, and law.
(New York Times complains of Openai and his partner, Microsoft, accused them of copyright infringement of news content related to AI Systems. Openai and Microsoft denied these claims.)
According to Openai, Deep Research has said that anyone who has been subscribed to Chatgpt Pro, which is a $ 200 service that provides access to all the latest tools of the company, can be used. We will also provide tools via other paid services.
This tool is based on the same technology as driving Chatgpt. This technology is called a neural network by AI researchers. This is a mathematical system that allows you to learn skills by analyzing data.
In recent months, Openai has developed a technology version that can be “inferred” through tasks, and has decided what actions will be performed through trial and error. Deep research is based on the company’s latest inference technology, Openai O3.