Motivation for space activity
The likelihood of exploring space has been exciting for people for a long time in many ways of life, but from the late 20th century to the early 21st century, we pay very high costs to put people and machinery into space. I was able to do it. This reality means that space exploration had to be useful for a very wide range of interests, and in fact, we did it in various ways. The government’s space program has improved knowledge, functions as an indicator of the national reputation and power, enhancing national security and military power, and giving great profits to the general public. In areas where private sector can benefit from activities in space, the use of satellites as a communication relay has prospered without government funding. In the early 21st century, entrepreneurs believed that there were some other fields that were commercially commercially common in space, especially in spaces, especially in spaces.
After World War II, the government took over the leading role in the support of research that enhanced basic knowledge of nature. This change caused for two reasons. First, the need for complex devices to conduct many scientific experiments and the need for researchers to use the device has led to the costs that only the government can afford. Second, the government has no idea that basic research will take this responsibility to create new knowledge of citizens’ health, safety, and quality of life. Therefore, when scientists demanded the government’s support for early space experiments, it was released soon. Since the start of space efforts in the United States, the Soviet Union, and Europe, the central government has given priority to science support in space. From a modest beginning, space science has expanded under government support and includes billions of dollars in the solar system. An example of such an effort includes the development of curious Mars Rover, the mission of Cassini Hugens for Saturn, the month, and the development of major cosmic astronomical astronomical platforms such as Hubble Space Telescope.
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Soviet leader In 1957, Nikita Fulshov used the fact that his country first launched a satellite as evidence of the technical power of the Soviet Union and the superiority of communist. He repeated these claims The track flight of Yuri Gagarin in 1961. Dwight D. Eisenhower has decided not to compete with the Soviet Union in his successor in the cosmic race. John F. Kennedy had another perspective. On April 20, 1961, in the aftermath of the Gagarin flight, he asked his advisors to identify the “Space Program that promises dramatic results that we can win.” The response came on May 8, 1961. We recommend that the United States promises to send people. In the moon, “the dramatic achievements of the universe … symbolize the power of the country’s technology and the ability to organize”, and the subsequent fame will be “part of the battle along the fluid front of the Cold War”. 。 From 1961 to the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, the competition between the United States and the Soviet Union had a significant impact on the pace and content of the space program. Other countries also regarded successful cosmic programs as an important indicator of the national strength.
Even before the first satellite began, US leaders recognized that the ability to observe military activities from universe around the world would be a national security asset. Following the success of the optical CONNAISSANCE satellite, which started operating in 1960, the United States has built more complex observations and electronic Intectes. Intelligence satellite. The Soviet Union has also developed an array immediately Intelligence satellites, and later some other countries have established their own satellite observation programs. Intellignce’s collection satellites are used to verify the weapon management agreement, provide warnings for military threats, and identify the target during military operations.
In addition to providing security benefits, satellites provided the army with improvement of communication, weather observation, navigation, timing, and position. As a result, the government has granted a large amount of government funds for the United States and the Soviet Union’s military and space program. The advantages and weaknesses of the residents of power delivery weapons in space have been discussed, but as of the early 21st century, such weapons were not developed, and there were no space -based anti -satellite systems. satellite. The resident of mass destruction in orbit or astronomical bodies is prohibited by international law.
The government recognized early that the ability to observe the earth from space could bring great profits to the general public, except for security and military use. The first pursuit application was the development of satellites to support weather predictions. In the second application, remote observations between the land and the sea surface were carried out, collected images and other value data, and collected by crop prediction, resource management, environmental monitoring, and other applications. The United States, the Soviet Union, Europe, and China have also developed their own satellite base Originally, for military purposes, it can provide a very accurate time signal, which is useful for identifying the accurate position of the user, moving to another point from a certain point. These satellites immediately discovered the use of many civilians, including personal navigation, surveying and map creation, geology, air traffic control, and information transfer network. They show the reality that remains constant for half a century. With the development of space abilities, it can often be used for both military and private purposes.
Another space application that started under the government’s sponsorship but immediately moved to the private sector is a relay of voice, video, and data through the orderly satellite. Satellite telecommunications has developed into billions of dollars, and is a clear field of commercial and cosmic activities. The relevant, but much smaller commercial space business is a launch for the private and government satellites. In 2004, the venture, which personally provided funds, sent a piloted spaceshipone to the bottom of the space for three short orbital flights. Technically, it was a much more challenging result than bringing humans into track, but that success opened a space for commercial trips and ultimately sightseeing. More than 15 years after Spaceshipone reached the space, some companies began to do such a subsequent orbital flight. In addition, there are companies that use satellite images to provide data to business on economic trends. In the future, other areas of cosmic activities, including the use of resources on the moon and asteroids near the earth, and succeeding in capturing solar energy to supply electricity on the earth, will succeed. Is done.
Most space activities have been pursued for some utilitarian purposes, such as an increase in knowledge, adding to national power, and profits. Nevertheless, “There is a powerful fundamental meaning that it is important for humans to explore space for itself to see what is there. Humans are near the earth. The only voyage away from the moon, the flight of Apollo to the moon, was motivated by the Cold War competition, but there was a recurrence of a recurrence that humans return to the moon, travel to Mars, and visit others. And until a human resuming the journey of such an exploration, the robot spacecraft will continue to search for the solar system and survey.