Looking at the universe of stocks covered by dividends, in Tuesday’s trading, the Qualcomm Inc (symbol: QCOM) shares exceeded more than 2 % based on quarterly dividends (3.4 $ 3.4 per year). I did it. The day is $ 169.81. Historically, dividends are particularly important for investors that investors should consider, as dividends provide a significant part of the total revenue in the stock market. For example, suppose you purchased S & P 500 ETF (SPY) shares on December 31, 1999. Fast forward on December 31, 2012, each stock was worth $ 142.41 on that day, reducing $ 4.67 in all years. However, consider that the total income rate of 23.36 % has collected $ 25.98 per share during the same period. Even if the dividend is reinvested, it is only about 1.6 % average annual income. Therefore, in comparison, collecting more than 2 % will look quite attractive if the yield is sustainable. Qualcomm Inc is a S & P 500 company and offers a special status as one of the large companies that make up the S & P 500 indexes.
In general, dividend amounts are not always predictable and tend to follow the profitability of each company. In the case of Qualcomm Inc, the following QCOM’s historical charts can help determine whether the latest dividends may continue.
QCOM has expanded dividends for more than 20 years. For more dividend growth shares, see the dividend list of dividends.
Click here to check the other 9 other dividend shares that were recently sold »
See below. • TLB split history
• TRN optional chain
• Funds to own BCUs
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