At Louis Vuitton’s Fall / Winter 2025 Men’s Show held in Paris, Jay Hope’s kindness made another type of LV bag decorating the end of a fashion show.
The BTS singer’s new song “Lv Bag” was collaborated with Don Triver and was performed as the last song of the men’s creative director Farrellic Williams show. He produced this song, and this song was one of the many songs that set the soundtrack of the show, and began with Shino Uematsu’s “One Wing Fantasy VII” by the Ponnuf Orchestra. Three original songs, including Seventeen’s “Bad Influen” and The Weekend and Playboy Carti “Timeless”, were played. Farrell produced all three songs.
Williams greeted Jay Hope at the end of the show, along with his friend and design collaborator Nigo. The brand ambassador, which was appointed in 2023, was wearing brown bucket hat, button -down shirts and jeans. The speedy bag with pearls has completed the style.
On January 21, 2025, in Paris, as part of Paris Fashion Week, Louis Vuitton’s 2025/2013 Men’s Wear Show was a designer Nigo and Farrell Williamus walking on the runway.
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The K-POP fan responded all at once to the unexpected release of the “LV bag”, and many fans overwhelmed more than 1,000 comments on the brand YouTube live stream. In comparison, 624 comments have been sent to the brand’s spring 2025 show since June.
The bag was inspired to Williams and Nigo. In the review of WWD Joel Derrich, the designers said that they provided a style “appeal to beginners and veteran collectors”, and the style “from quilting shoppers and fluffy trunks. Contains a variety of styles, from the jewelry satin keypol with embroidered jacket. ” A so -called Damier pre -epidemic bag printed with a backpack hanging with a lobster charm and two men’s profits. “
According to the WWD interview, “This collection is very similar to our friendship. There is no intention of becoming unnecessarily bold to attract attention.