Today’s NYT Strand Tips and Answers.
new york times
Looking for Tuesday Strands tips, spangrams, and answers? You can find them here:
Hey everyone! Today’s NYT Strand tips, spangrams, and answers for Wednesday, January 22nd coming soon.
How to play with strands
The New York Times Strand Puzzle is a play on the classic word search. It’s available on the NYT website and NYT Games app, as well as Wordle, Connections, and more (also featured in Forbes Gaming’s daily guide).
There’s a new Strand game to play every day. The game displays a 6 x 8 grid of letters. The objective is to find groups of words that have something in common. That way you’ll know what the theme is. When you find a theme word, it will be highlighted in blue.
You will also need to find special words called spangrams. By doing so, you can see what the words have in common. Spanggrams link at least two sides of the board, but may not start or end there. Theme words are not proper nouns, but spangrams are. If a spangram is found, it will remain highlighted in yellow.
All characters are used once in either theme words or spangrams. You can connect letters vertically, horizontally, or diagonally, and you can also switch directions in the middle of a word. If you’re playing on a touchscreen, double-tap the last letter to submit your guess.
If we find three valid words of four or more letters that are not part of a theme, the (hint) button will be unlocked. Clicking this will highlight the letters that make up the theme word.
Remember: You need to be on your toes at all times. In some cases, you may need to fill in the missing words in a phrase. Other days, the game revolves around synonyms and homophones. The difficulty level varies from day to day and the puzzle creator tries to surprise you from time to time.
What’s today’s strand tip?
Please scroll slowly! Immediately after today’s Strand Puzzle clue we will reveal what the answer word is.
Today’s Strand Puzzle official theme tip is…
pixar this
Need extra help? Here’s another tip…
CGI function
There are 7 theme words today including spangram.
What’s today’s NYT Strand tip?
Spoiler alert! Don’t scroll further down the page until you’re ready to find today’s Strands tip.
The first two letters of all theme words in today’s puzzle are: These are arranged in alphabetical order of the first occurrence of the word, from left to right and top to bottom.
What are the answers to today’s NYT strand?
Before you reveal the complete word list to others, first teach them the spangram and show them where it is on the grid.
This is the last spoiler alert!
Today’s strand spangram is…
Here’s where you’ll find it on the grid…
Screenshot of the New York Times Strand with the term animation highlighted.
new york times
Today’s strand theme word is…
The completed grid will look like this…
The January 22nd Strands grid is complete, featuring the words BRAVE, CARS, ONWARD, ANIMATION, and SOUL. … (+)
new york times
There is not much ambiguity regarding today’s topic. They were all Pixar movies. It didn’t take me long to start parsing these, but it took me a while to understand spangrams.
I didn’t use any clues and Spanggram was the fifth theme word I found.
For more news, insights, and analysis on Strands, Connections, and other word games and video games, follow my blog. Very helpful! Also follow Bluesky! That’s what’s fun about it.