The Lord of the Rings: War of the Rohirrim received mixed reviews when it was released on December 13th, but Warner Bros. is worried that the romance issues in The Lord of the Rings may have something to do with it. be. The movie was completely inoffensive in many ways, and it was refreshing to see a new animated movie, especially the first-ever Lord of the Rings animated movie, released in theaters. Kenji Kamiyama’s animated feature follows Peter Jackson’s The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings trilogies, and while it’s certainly a tough one to follow, it’s not a difficult romance. was looming large.
As the only company currently holding the rights to film J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit novels, Warner Bros. has a monopoly on The Lord of the Rings films. Jackson launched a behemoth of a film franchise with the original Lord of the Rings trilogy, debuting characters like Viggo Mortensen’s Aragorn and Miranda Otto’s Éowyn. The Rohirrim War movie clearly drew on the strengths of these characters to create its script and story. But every time it ventured into the realm of romance, however gentle, it stumbled.
Hela and Wulf’s romantic conversation was the weakest part of the War of the Rohirrim script.
The Rohirrim War script was strong except for this one element.
The dialogue between Hela and Ulf in the 2024 film Rohirrim War was a weak point in the script. Overall the script was pretty strong. I did what I had to do. The script, written by Jeffrey Addis, Will Matthews, Phoebe Gittins, and Artie Papagiorgio, veers from exposition to action and back with flying colors. However, Hela and Wolf’s interaction was unfortunate for both them and the audience. Wolf’s advances and Hela’s reactions are cringe-worthy, misjudged, and a poor realization of how to craft believable and romantic Lord of the Rings lines. It showed a lack of.
10 Best Scenes from The Lord of the Rings: Battle of the Rohirrim
There were a lot of great moments in The Lord of the Rings: Battle of the Rohirrim, but there were a few that stood out as the series’ best highlights.
Hela in War of the Rohirrim shared an incredibly basic, modern, and one-dimensional interaction with Wolf. The film appeared to be set in Middle-earth until the two started talking, but then quickly moved into telenovela territory. Producer Philippa Boyen, who wrote the scripts for the original LotR and The Hobbit, has notably taken over the reins for this production. But it remains to be seen whether it was her presence that was missing from this script, or whether the flaw meant a more general hole at Warner Bros. ” What you need to know when writing a Lord of the Rings romance.
Warner Bros.’ The Lord of the Rings movie romances have experienced varying levels of success
‘The Lord of the Rings’ romance is controversial
Warner Bros.’ The Lord of the Rings films included romances with varying degrees of success. The relationship between Aragorn and Arwen in The Lord of the Rings has received VIP treatment and is one of Hollywood’s most iconic romances, both within and outside of the fantasy genre. However, The Hobbit did not make as many positive contributions to the realm of romance. In general, the Hobbit movies were more controversial than the original Lord of the Rings trilogy. Not only did they expand one children’s book into three feature films, they also added two original romances that didn’t resonate with many people.
Warner Bros.’ didn’t feel comfortable releasing an entire trilogy without a significant romance for both Kili and Legolas, so they invented the divisive Tauriel.
Dragging out the source material was a commercial move. It risked cheapening Tolkien’s story. The further The Hobbit films stray from the original work, the less they resemble the profound and influential work of one of fantasy’s greatest authors and the more they resemble a typical Hollywood movie. It was also reflected in the romance of the film. There was no romance in this book. It was an adventure story. The movie was certainly an adventure, but Warner Bros. Not feeling comfortable releasing the entire trilogy without a major romance, the movie invented a divisive Tauriel for both Kili and Legolas.
War of the Rohirrim did the right thing with Hela’s romance story
Hera was better off staying single than falling in love.
He was right in leaving Hela single during the Rohirrim war. The romance notes between Kili and Legolas in The Hobbit were illustrative of the problems in romance that were also exemplified in the conversation between Hela and Ulf during the Rohirrim War. However, the animated film managed to move away from this troubled romance before it progressed further. Canonically, the entire Rohirrim war of the Third Age is indeed based on the failed marriage of Helm Hammerhand’s daughter from The Lord of the Rings. So, thankfully, this romance was doomed to fail. Nevertheless, the movie could have taken it further.
Tolkien’s era
An event that heralds the beginning
Total length in solar years
before time
few days ago
Ainur entered the air
1 – 3,500 Varian years
Pre-First Age Years of the Tree (YT)
Yavanna made two trees
First Age (FA)
Elves wake up in Kuivienen
YT1050~YT1500, FA1~590
Second Age (SA)
The battle of anger is over
SA 1 – 3441
Third Age (TA)
The Last Alliance defeated Sauron
Fourth Age (Fo.A)
A ring of elves was left in Middle-earth.
Fo.A 1 – Unknown
The Rohirrim War could have explored the depth of Hela’s feelings for Ulf and given her even more reason to like him. Similarly, it would have been easy to make Wolf more lovable. It’s a credit to Kenji Kamiyama and the film’s story creators Addis, Matthews, and Boyen that this romance is reasonably sidelined. By sidelining romance, The Rohirrim War bucked the trend of Warner Bros.’ The Lord of the Rings films, which had insisted on putting romance front and center. This movie didn’t fall into the same trap as The Hobbit.
Romance is essential in The Lord of the Rings, and future movies should respect that too.
Love is an important theme in The Lord of the Rings, but it requires the right tone of voice
Love is not superfluous to the plot, it is one of the most important themes of The Lord of the Rings, and it should continue to be respected in future adaptations. Cinematic romances that are true to Tolkien’s legend are not only welcome, but essential to telling stories about ancestry, history, and power. Love created marriage, which created bloodlines, which created the heroes needed to fight evil in The Lord of the Rings. That’s why romances like Aragorn and Arwen should really be highlighted and allowed to shine on screen. Warner Bros. can add original romance to its movies, but it’s a risk.
Warner Bros.’ The next LotR film will be The Lord of the Rings: The Hunt for Gollum in 2026.
Tauriel’s love triangle between Kili and Legolas was fun but unnecessary and took away the power of the story it was supposed to be telling. While Battle of the Rohirrim avoided focusing too much on Hela and Ulf, it still couldn’t nail this original romance. The reason Aragorn and Arwen’s romance dialogue (almost all of it was original) worked was because it sounded like The Lord of the Rings. “May the Valar be with you” is very Tolkien. The Lord of the Rings: The Rohirrim War shows that Warner Bros. has yet to learn that modern romance lines will never translate to Tolkien’s 1950s masterpiece.